File r36/xlog/GCD.LOG artifact 5355464b02 part of check-in 0e7cfa81a1

REDUCE 3.6, 15-Jul-95, patched to 6 Mar 96 ...

COMMENT Greatest Common Divisor Test Suite;

% The following examples were introduced in Moses, J. and Yun, D.Y.Y.,
% "The EZ GCD Algorithm", Proc. ACM 73 (1973) 159-166, and considered
% further in Hearn, A.C., "Non-modular Computation of Polynomial GCD's
% Using Trial Division", Proc. EUROSAM 79, 227-239, 72, published as
% Lecture Notes on Comp. Science, # 72, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1979.

on gcd;

% The following is the best setting for this file.

on ezgcd;

% In systems that have the heugcd code, the following is also a
% possibility, although not all examples complete in a reasonable time.

% load heugcd; on heugcd;

% The final alternative is to use neither ezgcd nor heugcd. In that case,
% most examples take excessive amounts of computer time.

share n;

operator xx;

% Case 1.

for n := 2:5
   do write gcd(((for i:=1:n sum xx(i))-1)*((for i:=1:n sum xx(i)) + 2),
                ((for i:=1:n sum xx(i))+1)





% Case 2.

let d = (for i:=1:n sum xx(i)**n) + 1;

for n := 2:7 do write gcd(d*((for i:=1:n sum xx(i)**n) - 2),
                          d*((for i:=1:n sum xx(i)**n) + 2));

     2        2
xx(2)  + xx(1)  + 1

     3        3        3
xx(3)  + xx(2)  + xx(1)  + 1

     4        4        4        4
xx(4)  + xx(3)  + xx(2)  + xx(1)  + 1

     5        5        5        5        5
xx(5)  + xx(4)  + xx(3)  + xx(2)  + xx(1)  + 1

     6        6        6        6        6        6
xx(6)  + xx(5)  + xx(4)  + xx(3)  + xx(2)  + xx(1)  + 1

     7        7        7        7        7        7        7
xx(7)  + xx(6)  + xx(5)  + xx(4)  + xx(3)  + xx(2)  + xx(1)  + 1

for n := 2:7 do write gcd(d*((for i:=1:n sum xx(i)**n) - 2),
                          d*((for i:=1:n sum xx(i)**(n-1)) + 2));

     2        2
xx(2)  + xx(1)  + 1

     3        3        3
xx(3)  + xx(2)  + xx(1)  + 1

     4        4        4        4
xx(4)  + xx(3)  + xx(2)  + xx(1)  + 1

     5        5        5        5        5
xx(5)  + xx(4)  + xx(3)  + xx(2)  + xx(1)  + 1

     6        6        6        6        6        6
xx(6)  + xx(5)  + xx(4)  + xx(3)  + xx(2)  + xx(1)  + 1

     7        7        7        7        7        7        7
xx(7)  + xx(6)  + xx(5)  + xx(4)  + xx(3)  + xx(2)  + xx(1)  + 1

% Case 3.

let d = xx(2)**2*xx(1)**2 + (for i := 3:n sum xx(i)**2) + 1;

for n := 2:5
   do write gcd(d*(xx(2)*xx(1) + (for i:=3:n sum xx(i)) + 2)**2,
                d*(xx(1)**2-xx(2)**2 + (for i:=3:n sum xx(i)**2) - 1));

     2      2
xx(2) *xx(1)  + 1

     2        2      2
xx(3)  + xx(2) *xx(1)  + 1

     2        2        2      2
xx(4)  + xx(3)  + xx(2) *xx(1)  + 1

     2        2        2        2      2
xx(5)  + xx(4)  + xx(3)  + xx(2) *xx(1)  + 1

% Case 4.

let u = xx(1) - xx(2)*xx(3) + 1,
    v = xx(1) - xx(2) + 3xx(3);


       2                    2
3*xx(3) *xx(2) - xx(3)*xx(2)  + xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1) - 3*xx(3)*xx(1) - 3*xx(3)

 + xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(2) - xx(1)  - xx(1)


       2                    2
3*xx(3) *xx(2) - xx(3)*xx(2)  + xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1) - 3*xx(3)*xx(1) - 3*xx(3)

 + xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(2) - xx(1)  - xx(1)


       2                    2
3*xx(3) *xx(2) - xx(3)*xx(2)  + xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1) - 3*xx(3)*xx(1) - 3*xx(3)

 + xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(2) - xx(1)  - xx(1)


       4      2          3      3          3      2
9*xx(3) *xx(2)  - 6*xx(3) *xx(2)  + 6*xx(3) *xx(2) *xx(1)

           3                       3              2      4
 - 18*xx(3) *xx(2)*xx(1) - 18*xx(3) *xx(2) + xx(3) *xx(2)

          2      3              2      2      2           2      2
 - 2*xx(3) *xx(2) *xx(1) + xx(3) *xx(2) *xx(1)  + 12*xx(3) *xx(2) *xx(1)

           2      2           2            2           2
 + 12*xx(3) *xx(2)  - 12*xx(3) *xx(2)*xx(1)  - 12*xx(3) *xx(2)*xx(1)

          2      2           2                2                3
 + 9*xx(3) *xx(1)  + 18*xx(3) *xx(1) + 9*xx(3)  - 2*xx(3)*xx(2) *xx(1)

                3                2      2                2
 - 2*xx(3)*xx(2)  + 4*xx(3)*xx(2) *xx(1)  + 4*xx(3)*xx(2) *xx(1)

                      3                      2
 - 2*xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1)  - 8*xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1)  - 12*xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1)

                                3                 2
 - 6*xx(3)*xx(2) + 6*xx(3)*xx(1)  + 12*xx(3)*xx(1)  + 6*xx(3)*xx(1)

        2      2          2              2                3                2
 + xx(2) *xx(1)  + 2*xx(2) *xx(1) + xx(2)  - 2*xx(2)*xx(1)  - 4*xx(2)*xx(1)

                        4          3        2
 - 2*xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(1)  + 2*xx(1)  + xx(1)

% Case 5.

let d = (for i := 1:n product (xx(i)+1)) - 3;

for n := 2:5 do write gcd(d*for i := 1:n product (xx(i) - 2),
                          d*for i := 1:n product (xx(i) + 2));

xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(2) + xx(1) - 2

xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(3)*xx(2) + xx(3)*xx(1) + xx(3) + xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(2)

 + xx(1) - 2

xx(4)*xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(4)*xx(3)*xx(2) + xx(4)*xx(3)*xx(1) + xx(4)*xx(3)

 + xx(4)*xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(4)*xx(2) + xx(4)*xx(1) + xx(4) + xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1)

 + xx(3)*xx(2) + xx(3)*xx(1) + xx(3) + xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(2) + xx(1) - 2

xx(5)*xx(4)*xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(5)*xx(4)*xx(3)*xx(2)

 + xx(5)*xx(4)*xx(3)*xx(1) + xx(5)*xx(4)*xx(3) + xx(5)*xx(4)*xx(2)*xx(1)

 + xx(5)*xx(4)*xx(2) + xx(5)*xx(4)*xx(1) + xx(5)*xx(4) + xx(5)*xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1)

 + xx(5)*xx(3)*xx(2) + xx(5)*xx(3)*xx(1) + xx(5)*xx(3) + xx(5)*xx(2)*xx(1)

 + xx(5)*xx(2) + xx(5)*xx(1) + xx(5) + xx(4)*xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1)

 + xx(4)*xx(3)*xx(2) + xx(4)*xx(3)*xx(1) + xx(4)*xx(3) + xx(4)*xx(2)*xx(1)

 + xx(4)*xx(2) + xx(4)*xx(1) + xx(4) + xx(3)*xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(3)*xx(2)

 + xx(3)*xx(1) + xx(3) + xx(2)*xx(1) + xx(2) + xx(1) - 2

clear d,u,v;

% The following examples were discussed in Char, B.W., Geddes, K.O.,
% Gonnet, G.H., "GCDHEU:  Heuristic Polynomial GCD Algorithm Based
% on Integer GCD Computation", Proc. EUROSAM 84, 285-296, published as
% Lecture Notes on Comp. Science, # 174, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984.

% Maple Problem 1.



% Maple Problem 2.

g := 34*x**19-91*x+70*x**7-25*x**16+20*x**3-86;

         19       16       7       3
g := 34*x   - 25*x   + 70*x  + 20*x  - 91*x - 86

gcd(g * (64*x**34-21*x**47-126*x**8-46*x**5-16*x**60-81),
    g * (72*x**60-25*x**25-19*x**23-22*x**39-83*x**52+54*x**10+81) );

    19       16       7       3
34*x   - 25*x   + 70*x  + 20*x  - 91*x - 86

% Maple Problem 3.

    -5660404998*x**16 +5441358149*x**17-1741572352*x**18


% Maple Problem 4.

g := 34271+80330*x-91812*x**2-99553*x**3+70499*x**4-31201*x**5

               10          9          8          7          6          5
g :=  - 86859*x   - 76049*x  + 20204*x  + 52555*x  - 25175*x  - 31201*x

               4          3          2
      + 70499*x  - 99553*x  - 91812*x  + 80330*x + 34271

gcd(g * (44328-17468*x-33515*x**2-5801*x**3+89232*x**4-56604*x**5
    g * (-83248+67974*x+54189*x**2-67793*x**3+81136*x**4+22293*x**5

       10          9          8          7          6          5          4
86859*x   + 76049*x  - 20204*x  - 52555*x  + 25175*x  + 31201*x  - 70499*x

          3          2
 + 99553*x  + 91812*x  - 80330*x - 34271

% Maple Problem 5.



% Maple Problem 6.

g := -19*x**4*y**4+25*y**9+54*x*y**9+22*x**7*y**10-15*x**9*y**7-28;

            9  7       7  10       4  4         9       9
g :=  - 15*x *y  + 22*x *y   - 19*x *y  + 54*x*y  + 25*y  - 28


    9  7       7  10       4  4         9       9
15*x *y  - 22*x *y   + 19*x *y  - 54*x*y  - 25*y  + 28

% Maple Problem 7.



% Maple Problem 8.

g := u**3*(x**2-y)*z**2+(u-3*u**2*x)*y*z-u**4*x*y+3;

         4        3  2  2    3    2      2
g :=  - u *x*y + u *x *z  - u *y*z  - 3*u *x*y*z + u*y*z + 3

gcd(g * ((y**2+x)*z**2+u**5*(x*y+x**2)*z-y+5),
    g * ((y**2-x)*z**2+u**5*(x*y-x**2)*z+y+9) );

 4        3  2  2    3    2      2
u *x*y - u *x *z  + u *y*z  + 3*u *x*y*z - u*y*z - 3

% Maple Problem 9.

g := 34*u**2*y**2*z-25*u**2*v*z**2-18*v*x**2*z**2-18*u**2*x**2*y*z+53

            2    2       2  2           2  2           2  2    3
g :=  - 25*u *v*z  - 18*u *x *y*z + 34*u *y *z - 18*v*x *z  + x  + 53

gcd( g * (-85*u*v**2*y**2*z**2-25*u*v*x*y*z-84*u**2*v**2*y**2*z
     g * (48*x**3-99*u*x**2*y**2*z-69*x*y*z-75*u*v*x*y*z**2
     -43*u**2*v+91*u**2*v**2*y**2*z) );

    2    2       2  2           2  2           2  2    3
25*u *v*z  + 18*u *x *y*z - 34*u *y *z + 18*v*x *z  - x  - 53

% Maple Problem 10.



(TIME:  gcd 2550 2760)

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