File r38/packages/solve/ artifact 5c8d0becda part of check-in 0e7cfa81a1

module glsolve; % Routines for solving a general system of linear
		% equations using Cramer's rule, realized through
		% exterior multiplication.

% Author: Eberhard Schruefer.
% Modifications by:  D. Hartley and R.W. Tucker.

% The number of equations and the number of unknowns are arbitrary.
% I.e. the system can be under- or overdetermined.

fluid '(!*solvesingular vars!*);  % !*solveinconsistent

global '(!!arbint assumptions requirements);

symbolic procedure glnrsolve(u,v);
% glnrsolve(u: list of sf's, v: list of kernels)
% -> (xprs: list of sq's, flg: boolean)
% Adapted by D. Hartley and R.W. Tucker from E. Schruefer's glnrsolve.
% The equations u must be ordered with respect to the kernels v
   begin scalar sgn,x,y,cnds;
     if null u then go to b;
     a: x := !*sf2ex(car u,v);
        if null x then u := cdr u
         else if inconsistency!-chk x then
                 <<cnds := car u . cnds; x := nil; u := cdr u>>;
        if u and null x then go to a;
     if null u then       % no consistent non-zero equations
       if cnds then go to d
       else return t . {{nil,nil,1}};  % all equations were zero
     if null(u := cdr u) then go to d;
     c: if y := subs2chkex extmult(!*sf2ex(car u,v),x) 
          then if inconsistency!-chk y 
                  then cnds :=  numr cancel(lc y ./ lc x) . cnds
                  else <<assumptions :=
			    'list . mk!*sq !*f2q lc y .
			(pairp assumptions and cdr assumptions);
                         x := y>>;
        if (u := cdr u) then go to c;
     for each j in cnds do
        requirements := 'list . mk!*sq !*f2q j .
			   (pairp requirements and cdr requirements);
     if cnds then return 'inconsistent . nil;
     if setdiff(v,lpow x) and not !*solvesingular then
        return 'singular . {};
     if null red x then return
        t . {{for each j in lpow x collect nil ./ 1,lpow x,1}};
     y := lc x; sgn := evenp length lpow x;
     u := foreach j in lpow x collect
             (if (sgn := not sgn) then negf f else f)
              where f = !*ex2sf innprodpex(delete(j,lpow x),red x);
     return t . {{foreach f in u collect cancel(f ./ y),lpow x,1}};

symbolic procedure inconsistency!-chk u;
   null u or ((nil memq lpow u) and inconsistency!-chk red u);



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