File r38/lisp/csl/cslbase/ artifact 66d5d73a15 part of check-in 0e7cfa81a1

% Create bytes.h out of
% Run ONCE when is created and then leave as documentation!
% Also after generating bytes.h you need to go
%    filesign -u bytes.h
% to get its signature correct.

% This code may be used and modified, and redistributed in binary
% or source form, subject to the "CCL Public License", which should
% accompany it. This license is a variant on the BSD license, and thus
% permits use of code derived from this in either open and commercial
% projects: but it does require that updates to this code be made
% available back to the originators of the package.
% Before merging other code in with this or linking this code
% with other packages or libraries please check that the license terms
% of the other material are compatible with those of this.


global '(s!:opcodelist);

if not boundp '!@cslbase then !@cslbase := "../cslbase";

off lower;
in "$cslbase/"$
on lower;

    scalar o, oo, n;
    o := open("$cslbase/bytes.h", 'output);
    oo := wrs o;

    printc "/* bytes.h                             Copyright (C) Codemist 1993-2004 */";
    printc "/* Signature: 38cd8141 31-Mar-2004 */";
    printc "/*";
    printc " *   Bytecode interpreter support.";
    printc " *";
    printc " *   April 1993";
    printc " */";
%   printc "#define JUMP_BACK               0x01 /* select direction of jump  */";
%   printc "#define JUMP_LONG               0x02 /* select 16 vs 8 bit offset */";
%   terpri();
    n := 0;
    for each v in s!:opcodelist do <<
      princ "#define OP_";
      princ v;
      ttab 32;
      princ "0x";
      if n < 16 then princ "0";
      prinhex n;
      n := n + 1 >>;
    printc "/* end of bytes.h */";
    wrs oo;
    close o;
    o := open("$cslbase/opnames.c", 'output);
    oo := wrs o;
    printc "/* opnames.c                           Copyright (C) Codemist 1993-2004 */";
    printc "/* Signature: 38cd8141 31-Mar-2002 */";
    printc "static char *opnames[256] =";
    printc "{";
    n := 0;
    for each v in s!:opcodelist do <<
      princ "   "; princ '!";
      princ v; princ '!";
      princ ",";
      ttab 32;
      princ "/* 0x";
      if n < 16 then princ "0";
      prinhex n;
      printc " */";
      n := n + 1 >>;
    while n < 256 do <<
      princ "   "; princ '!"; princ "xxxx"; princ '!";
      if n neq 255 then princ ",";
      ttab 32;
      princ "/* 0x";
      if n < 16 then princ "0";
      prinhex n;
      printc " */";
      n := n + 1 >>;
    printc "};";
    wrs oo;
    close o;
    return "bytes.h and opcodes.c made"


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