File r38/lisp/csl/cslbase/distorm.h artifact 76d114ea8e part of check-in 0e7cfa81a1

// diStorm64 1.1.4


Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Gil Dabah,
This library is licensed under the BSD license. See the file COPYING.

This file is used in win32proj and linuxproj.

// Comment out this macro if you wish to use 32 bits offsets only!

	#ifdef __GNUC__
		#define OFFSET_INTEGER unsigned long long
	#elif _MSC_VER
		#define OFFSET_INTEGER unsigned __int64
	#define OFFSET_INTEGER unsigned long

// Support C++ compilers
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// diStorm64 Version 1.1.4
#define __DISTORMV__ 0x114

// Decodes modes of the disassembler, 16 bits or 32 bits or 64 bits for AMD64, x86-64.
typedef enum {Decode16Bits = 0, Decode32Bits = 1, Decode64Bits = 2} _DecodeType;

typedef OFFSET_INTEGER _OffsetType;

// Static size of strings. Do not change this value.
#define MAX_TEXT_SIZE (60)
typedef struct {
	unsigned int length;
	unsigned char p[MAX_TEXT_SIZE]; // p is a null terminated string.
} _WString;

// This structure holds all information the disassembler generates per instruction.
typedef struct {
	_WString mnemonic; // Mnemonic of decoded instruction, prefixed if required by REP, LOCK etc.
	_WString operands; // Operands of the decoded instruction, up to 3 operands, comma-seperated.
	_WString instructionHex; // Hex dump - little endian, including prefixes.
	unsigned int size; // Size of decoded instruction.
	_OffsetType offset; // Start offset of the decoded instruction.
} _DecodedInst;

// Return code of the decoding function.

// distorm_decode //////////////////
// Input:
//         offset - Origin of the given code (virtual address that is), NOT an offset in code.
//         code - Pointer to the code buffer to be disassembled.
//         length - Amount of bytes that should be decoded from the code buffer.
//         dt - Decoding mode, 16 bits (Decode16Bits), 32 bits (Decode32Bits) or AMD64 (Decode64Bits).
//         result - Array of type _DecodeInst which will be used by this function in order to return the disassembled instructions.
//         maxInstructions - The maximum number of entries in the result array that you pass to this function, so it won't exceed its bound.
//         usedInstructionsCount - Number of the instruction that successfully were disassembled and written to the result array.
// Output: usedInstructionsCount will hold the number of entries used in the result array
//         and the result array itself will be filled with the disassembled instructions.
// Return: DECRES_SUCCESS on success (no more to disassemble), DECRES_INPUTERR on input error (null code buffer, invalid decoding mode, etc...),
//         DECRES_MEMORYERR when there are not enough entries to use in the result array, BUT YOU STILL have to check for usedInstructionsCount!
// Side-Effects: Even if the return code is DECRES_MEMORYERR, there might STILL be data in the
//               array you passed, this function will try to use as much entries as possible!
// Notes:  1)The minimal size of maxInstructions is 15.
//         2)You will have to synchronize the offset,code and length by yourself if you pass code fragments and not a complete code block!
_DecodeResult distorm_decode(_OffsetType codeOffset, const unsigned char* code, long codeLen, _DecodeType dt, _DecodedInst result[], unsigned long maxInstructions, unsigned long* usedInstructionsCount);

#ifdef __cplusplus
}// End Of Extern

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