File r37/packages/poly/ artifact fae1ff4005 part of check-in 0e7cfa81a1

module compopr;   % Operators on Complex Expressions.

% Author: Eberhard Schruefer.
% Modifications by:  Francis Wright.

fluid '(!*exp !*factor kord!*);


symbolic procedure simprepart u;
   repartsq simp!* car u where !*factor = nil;

symbolic procedure repartsq u;
          invsq addsq(multsq(repartden,repartden),
   where repartnum = car reimnum, impartnum = cdr reimnum,
         repartden = car reimden, impartden = cdr reimden
   where reimnum = splitcomplex numr u,
         reimden = splitcomplex denr u;


symbolic procedure simpimpart u;
   impartsq simp!* car u where !*factor = nil;

symbolic procedure impartsq u;
                negsq multsq(repartnum,impartden)),
          invsq addsq(multsq(repartden,repartden),
   where repartnum = car reimnum, impartnum = cdr reimnum,
         repartden = car reimden, impartden = cdr reimden
   where reimnum = splitcomplex numr u,
         reimden = splitcomplex denr u;


symbolic procedure simpconj u;
   conjsq simp!* car u;

symbolic procedure conjsq u;
  (if null numr w then u else addsq(repartsq u,negsq multsq(simp 'i,w)))
   where w=impartsq u;

smacro procedure idomainp; get('i,'idvalfn);
  % Tests if 'i' is transformed to a domain structure.

symbolic procedure splitcomplex u;
   (begin scalar v;
      v := if idomainp() then expand!-imrepart u
            else <<if smemq('i,u) then 
		   <<setkorder('i . kord!*); u:=reorder u>>;
                   subs2 expand!-imrepart u>>;
      return take!-realpart v . take!-impart v
    end) where kord!* = kord!*,!*exp = t;

symbolic procedure expand!-imrepart u;
   if domainp u then u ./ 1
    else addsq(multsq(expand!-imrepartpow lpow u,
                      expand!-imrepart lc u),
               expand!-imrepart red u);

symbolic procedure expand!-imrepartpow u;
   % This needs to treat kernels that are standard forms smarter.
   % At the moment, we expand to get the required result.
   begin scalar !*exp,cmpxsplitfn;
     !*exp := t;
     cmpxsplitfn := null idp car u and
                    get(car car u,'cmpxsplitfn);
       exptsq(if null cmpxsplitfn
                 then if car u eq 'i then !*k2q 'i
                       else addsq(mkrepart car u,
                                  multsq(simp 'i,
                                         mkimpart car u))
               else apply1(cmpxsplitfn,car u),cdr u)

symbolic procedure mkrepart u;
   if realvaluedp u then !*k2q u
    else if sfp u then repartsq(u ./ 1)
    else mksq(list('repart, u),1);

symbolic procedure mkimpart u;
   if realvaluedp u then nil ./ 1
    else if sfp u then impartsq(u ./ 1)
    else mksq(list('impart, u),1);

symbolic procedure take!-realpart u;
   repartf numr u ./ denr u;

symbolic procedure repartf u;
   % We can't check for null dmode!* as there may still be complex
   % domain elements in the expression (e.g., e^repart x).
  (if domainp u
      then if atom u then u
            else if get(car u,'cmpxfn)
            % We now know u is of form (<tag> <re> . <im>).
              then int!-equiv!-chk(car u . cadr u .
                        cadr apply1(get(car u,'i2d),0))
        % Otherwise we assume it is real
       else u
    else if mvar u eq 'i then repartf red u
%    else if null dmode!* then addf(!*t2f lt u,repartf red u)
    else addf(multpf(lpow u,repartf lc u),repartf red u))
       where u = reorder u where kord!* = 'i . kord!*;

symbolic procedure take!-impart u;
   impartf numr u ./ denr u;

symbolic procedure impartf u;
   % We can't check for null dmode!* as there may still be complex
   % domain elements in the expression.
  (if domainp u
     then if atom u then nil
           else if get(car u,'cmpxfn)
            % We now know u is of form (<tag> <re> . <im>).
             then int!-equiv!-chk(car u . cddr u .
                                  cadr apply1(get(car u,'i2d),0))
        % Otherwise we assume it is real
       else nil
    else if mvar u eq 'i then addf(lc u,impartf red u)
%   else if null dmode!* then impartf red u
    else addf(multpf(lpow u,impartf lc u),impartf red u))
       where u = reorder u where kord!* = 'i . kord!*;

% The following code attempts to improve the way that the complex
% operators CONJ, REPART and IMPART handle values that are implicitly
% real, namely composed "reality-preserving" functions of explicitly
% real numbers, implicitly real symbolic constants and variables that
% the user has declared using the REALVALUED command defined below.

% All arithmetic operations, direct trig functions and the exponential
% function are "reality-preserving", but inverse trig functions and the
% logarithm are "reality-preserving" only for real arguments in a
% restricted range.  This relates to piecewise-defined functions!  This
% code is believed to make the right decision about implicit reality in
% straightforward cases, and otherwise errs on the side of caution and
% makes no assumption at all, as does the standard REDUCE 3.4 code.  It
% performs only very limited numerical evaluation, which should be very
% fast.  It never performs any approximate numerical evaluation, or any
% sophisticated analysis, both of which would be much slower and/or
% complicated.  The current strategy is believed to represent a
% reasonable compromise, and will normally give the user what they
% expect without undue overhead.

rlistat '(realvalued notrealvalued);   % Make user operators.

symbolic procedure realvalued u;
   % Command to allow the user to declare functions or variables to be
   % implicitly real valued.
   <<rmsubs();  % So that an expression can be re-evaluated.
     for each v in u do
	if not idp v then typerr(v,"id")
	 else flag(list v,'realvalued)>>;

symbolic procedure notrealvalued u;
   % Undo realvalued declaration.
   % Cannot recover "complexity", so no need for rmsubs().
   for each v in u do
      if not idp v then typerr(v,"id")
       else remflag(list v, 'realvalued);

flag('(realvaluedp),'boolean); % Make realvaluedp available in
			       % algebraic mode.

symbolic procedure realvaluedp u;
   % True if the true prefix kernel form u is explicitly or implicitly
   % real-valued.
   if atom u then numberp u or flagp(u, 'realvalued)
   else begin scalar caru; % cnd
      flagp((caru := car u), 'alwaysrealvalued)
         % real-valued for all possible argument values
      or (flagp(caru, 'realvalued) and realvaluedlist cdr u)
         % real-valued function if arguments are real-valued,
         % an important common special case of condrealvalued.
%%      or ((cnd := get(caru, 'condrealvalued)) and apply(cnd, cdr u))
         % real-valued function if arguments satisfy conditions
         % that depend on the function
      or caru eq '!:rd!:;  % rounded number - least likely?

symbolic procedure realvaluedlist u;
   % True if every element of the list u of true prefix kernel forms
   % is real-valued.
   realvaluedp car u and (null cdr u or realvaluedlist cdr u);

% Define the real valued properties
% ---------------------------------

% Only operators that can remain symbolic need be considered,
% e.g. NOT nextprime, num, den, deg, det.

% A very small number of functions are real-valued for ALL arguments:

flag('(repart impart abs ceiling floor fix round max min),

% Symbolic constants:

flag('(pi e infinity),'realvalued);

% Some functions are real-valued if all their arguments are
% real-valued, without further constraints:

% Arithmetic operators:

flag('(plus minus times quotient), 'realvalued);

% Elementary transcendental functions, etc:

flag('(exp cbrt hypot sin cos tan csc sec cot sind cosd tand cscd secd
       cotd sinh cosh tanh csch sech coth atan atand atan2 atan2d acot
       acotd asinh acsch factorial),

% Additional such variables and functions can be declared by the user
% with the REALVALUED command defined above.


symbolic procedure reimsin u;
   addsq(multsq(simp list('sin,rearg),
                simp list('cosh,imarg)),
         multsq(simp 'i,
                multsq(simp list('cos,rearg),
                       simp list('sinh,imarg))))
   where rearg = prepsq simprepart cdr u,
         imarg = prepsq simpimpart cdr u;


symbolic procedure reimcos u;
   addsq(multsq(simp list('cos,rearg),
                simp list('cosh,imarg)),
         multsq(simp 'i,negsq
                multsq(simp list('sin,rearg),
                       simp list('sinh,imarg))))
   where rearg = prepsq simprepart cdr u,
         imarg = prepsq simpimpart cdr u;


symbolic procedure reimexpt u; 
   if cadr u eq 'e
     then addsq(reimcos list('cos,reval list('times,'i,caddr u)),
                multsq(simp list('minus,'i),
                    reimsin list('sin,reval list('times,'i,caddr u))))
    else if fixp cadr u and cadr u > 0
              and eqcar(caddr u,'quotient)
              and fixp cadr caddr u
              and fixp caddr caddr u
     then mksq(u,1)
    else addsq(mkrepart u,multsq(simp 'i,mkimpart u));



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