ELLIPTICTHETA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ operator
The EllipticTheta operator returns one of the four Theta functions. It cannot except any number other than 1,2,3 or 4 as its first argument.
EllipticTheta(1, 1.4, 0.72) 0.91634775373 EllipticTheta(2, 3.9, 6.1 ) -48.0202736969 + 20.9881034377 i EllipticTheta(3, 0.67, 0.2) 1.0083077448 EllipticTheta(4, 8, 0.75) 0.894963369304 EllipticTheta(5, 1, 0.1) ***** In EllipticTheta(a,u,m); a = 1,2,3 or 4.
Theta functions are important because every one of the Jacobian Elliptic functions can be expressed as the ratio of two theta functions.