JACOBIAN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ operator
<expr\_list> :- either a single algebraic expression or a list of algebraic expressions.
<variable\_list> :- either a single variable or a list of variables.
jacobiancomputes the jacobian matrix of <expr\_list> w.r.t. <variable\_list>.
This is a matrix whose (i,j)'th entry is df(<expr\_list> (i),<variable\_list>(j)).
The matrix is n by m where n is the number of variables and m the number of expressions.
jacobian({x^4,x*y^2,x*y*z^3},{w,x,y,z}); [ 3 ] [0 4*x 0 0 ] [ ] [ 2 ] [0 y 2*x*y 0 ] [ ] [ 3 3 2] [0 y*z x*z 3*x*y*z ]
Related functions: hessian, df.