Files in directory r38/lisp/csl/cslbase/texmacs-plugin/r38/install of check-in f16ac07139a3df82

Installation of TeXmacs-REDUCE interface (CSL version)

1. Ensure that executable (r38 or r38.exe) is in your path.

   You can either change your PATH:
      on Unix/Linux/Darwin/BSD/Cygwin
           export PATH=<wherever>:$PATH
      on Windows
           Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables
           and change system variable "Path"
   OR on Unix/Linux/Darwin/BSD/Cygwin
        select a directory that is already on your path, eg often
        /usr/local/bin, and put a symlink to the r38 executable there.
           ln -s /where/it/is/r38 /usr/local/bin/r38
      on Windows, if say c:\bin is already in your PATH, copy
        r38.exe,, r38.img and the directories r38.doc and
        r38.fonts into c:\bin.


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