Artifact 81c18a8d23f827175fe80740d247b856040a929c05b6783cb4c87da6b4697549:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 1443) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% CRT.SL.14 07 April 83 % derived from <NOVAK>H19.PSL.1 20-Mar-83 12:40:06 % Written by Gordon Novak Jr. % Copyright (c) 1983 Hewlett-Packard (GLOBAL '(TERMINAL)) (GLISPOBJECTS (TERMINAL ATOM MSG ((MOVETOXY TERMINAL-MOVETOXY) (PRINTCHAR TERMINAL-PRINTCHAR OPEN T) (PRINTSTRING TERMINAL-PRINTSTRING) (INVERTVIDEO (nil)) (NORMALVIDEO (nil)) (GRAPHICSMODE (nil)) (NORMALMODE (nil)) (ERASEEOL ((PBOUT (CHAR ESC)) (PBOUT (char K)))))) ) (GLISPGLOBALS (TERMINAL TERMINAL) ) (GLISPCONSTANTS (BLANKCHAR 32 integer) (HORIZONTALLINECHAR 45 integer) (HORIZONTALBARCHAR 95 integer) (LVERTICALBARCHAR 124 integer) (RVERTICALBARCHAR 124 integer) (escapechar 27 INTEGER) ) % edited: 14-Mar-83 22:48 % Move cursor to a specified X Y position. (DG TERMINAL-MOVETOXY (TERM:TERMINAL X:INTEGER Y:INTEGER) (IF X<0 THEN X_0 ELSEIF X>79 X_79)(IF Y<0 THEN Y_0 ELSEIF Y>23 THEN Y_23)(SEND TERMINAL PRINTCHAR (CHAR ESC))(SEND TERMINAL PRINTCHAR (char Y))(SEND TERMINAL PRINTCHAR (55 - Y))(SEND TERMINAL PRINTCHAR (32 + X))) % edited: 19-Mar-83 20:29 (DG TERMINAL-PRINTCHAR (TERM:TERMINAL S:STRING) (PBOUT S)) % edited: 19-Mar-83 20:29 (DG TERMINAL-PRINTSTRING (TERM:TERMINAL S:STRING) (prog (i n) (if s is not a string then (S _ (gevstringify s))) (n _ s:length) (i _ 0) (while (i<n) do (pbout (indx s i)) (i _+ 1)) )) (SETQ TERMINAL 'VT52)