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module mathpr; % Header module for mathpr package. % Author: Anthony C. Hearn. create!-package('(mathpr mprint sqprint ratprin dfprin % prend specprin fortpri), nil); endmodule; module mprint; % Basic output package for symbolic expressions. % Authors: Anthony C. Hearn and Arthur C. Norman. % Copyright (c) 1991 RAND. All rights reserved. fluid '(!*fort !*list !*nat !*nosplit !*ratpri !*revpri bool!-functions!* obrkp!* overflowed!* orig!* outputhandler!* pline!* posn!* p!*!* testing!-width!* ycoord!* ymax!* ymin!* rprifn!* rterfn!*); fluid '(!*tex); global '(!*eraise initl!* nat!*!* spare!* !*asterisk); switch list,ratpri,revpri,nosplit,asterisk; % Global variables initialized in this section. % SPARE!* should be set in the system dependent code module, % but is now assumed to be zero. !*asterisk := t; !*eraise := t; !*nat := nat!*!* := t; !*nosplit := t; % Expensive, maybe?? obrkp!* := t; orig!*:=0; posn!* := 0; ycoord!* := 0; ymax!* := 0; ymin!* := 0; initl!* := append('(orig!* pline!*),initl!*); put('orig!*,'initl,0); flag('(linelength),'opfn); %to make it a symbolic operator; symbolic procedure mathprint l; << terpri!* t; maprin l; terpri!* t >>; symbolic procedure maprin u; if outputhandler!* then apply2(outputhandler!*,'maprin,u) else if not overflowed!* then maprint(u,0); symbolic procedure maprint(l,p!*!*); % Print expression l at bracket level p!*!* without terminating % print line. Special cases are handled by: % pprifn: a print function that includes bracket level as 2nd arg. % prifn: a print function with one argument. begin scalar p,x,y; p := p!*!*; % p!*!* needed for (expt a (quotient ...)) case. if null l then return nil else if atom l then <<if vectorp l then vec!-maprin(l,p!*!*) else if not numberp l or (not(l<0) or p<=get('minus,'infix)) then prin2!* l else <<prin2!* "("; prin2!* l; prin2!* ")">>; return l >> else if not atom car l then maprint(car l,p) else if ((x := get(car l,'pprifn)) and not(apply2(x,l,p) eq 'failed)) or ((x := get(car l,'prifn)) and not(apply1(x,l) eq 'failed)) then return l else if x := get(car l,'infix) then << p := not(x>p); if p then << y := orig!*; prin2!* "("; orig!* := if posn!*<18 then posn!* else orig!*+3 >>; % (expt a b) was dealt with using a pprifn sometime earlier than this inprint(car l,x,cdr l); if p then << prin2!* ")"; orig!* := y >>; return l >> else prin2!* car l; prin2!* "("; obrkp!* := nil; y := orig!*; orig!* := if posn!*<18 then posn!* else orig!*+3; if cdr l then inprint('!*comma!*,0,cdr l); obrkp!* := t; orig!* := y; prin2!* ")"; return l end; symbolic procedure vec!-maprin(u,p!*!*); <<prin2!* '![; for j:=0:(upbv(u)-1) do <<maprint(getv(u,j),p!*!*); oprin '!*comma!*>>; maprint(getv(u,upbv(u)),p!*!*); prin2!* '!]>>; symbolic procedure exptpri(l,p); % Prints expression in an exponent notation. begin scalar !*list,x,pp,q,w1,w2; if not !*nat or !*fort then return 'failed; pp := not((q:=get('expt,'infix))>p); % Need to parenthesize w1 := cadr l; w2 := caddr l; if !*eraise and not atom w1 and (x := get(car w1, 'prifn)) and get(x, 'expt) = 'inbrackets then % Special treatment here to avoid muddle between exponents and % raised indices w1 := layout!-formula(w1, 0, 'inbrackets) % Very special treatment for things that will be displayed with % subscripts else if x = 'indexprin and not (indexpower(w1, w2)='failed) then return nil else w1 := layout!-formula(w1, q, nil); if null w1 then return 'failed; begin scalar !*ratpri; % I do not display fractions with fraction bars in exponent % expressions, since it usually seems excessive. Also (-p)/q gets % turned into -(p/q) for printing here if eqcar(w2,'quotient) and eqcar(cadr w2,'minus) then w2 := list('minus,list(car w2,cadadr w2,caddr w2)) else w2 := negnumberchk w2; w2 := layout!-formula(w2, if !*eraise then 0 else q, nil) end; if null w2 then return 'failed; l := cdar w1 + cdar w2; if pp then l := l + 2; if l > linelength nil - spare!* - orig!* then return 'failed; if l > linelength nil - spare!* - posn!* then terpri!* t; if pp then prin2!* "("; putpline w1; if !*eraise then l := 1 - cadr w2 else << oprin 'expt; l := 0 >>; putpline ((update!-pline(0, l, caar w2) . cdar w2) . ((cadr w2 + l) . (cddr w2 + l))); if pp then prin2!* ")" end; put('expt,'pprifn,'exptpri); symbolic procedure inprint(op,p,l); begin scalar x,y,z; if op='times and !*nat and null !*asterisk then <<op:='times2; put('times2,'infix,get('times,'infix)); put('times2,'prtch," ")>>; if op eq 'plus and !*revpri then l := reverse l; % print sum arguments in reverse order. if not get(op,'alt) then << if op eq 'not then oprin op else if op eq 'setq and not atom (x := car reverse l) and idp car x and (y := getrtype x) and (y := get(get(y,'tag),'setprifn)) then return apply2(y,car l,x); if null atom car l and idp caar l and !*nat and ((x := get(caar l,'prifn)) or (x := get(caar l,'pprifn))) and (get(x,op) eq 'inbrackets) % to avoid mix up of indices and exponents. then<<prin2!* "("; maprint(car l,p); prin2!* ")">> else if !*nosplit and not testing!-width!* then prinfit(car l, p, nil) else maprint(car l, p); l := cdr l >>; if !*nosplit and not testing!-width!* then % The code here goes to a certain amount of trouble to try to arrange % that terms are never split across lines. This will slow % printing down a bit, but I hope the improvement in formatting will % be worth that. for each v in l do if atom v or not(op eq get(car v,'alt)) then << % It seems to me that it looks nicer to put +, - etc on the second % line, but := and comma usually look better on the first one when I % need to split things. if op memq '(setq !*comma!*) then << oprin op; prinfit(negnumberchk v, p, nil) >> else prinfit(negnumberchk v, p, op) >> else prinfit(v, p, nil) else for each v in l do << if atom v or not(op eq get(car v,'alt)) then <<oprin op; maprint(negnumberchk v,p)>> % difficult problem of negative numbers needing to be in % prefix form for pattern matching. else maprint(v,p) >> end; symbolic procedure flatsizec u; if null u then 0 else if atom u then lengthc u else flatsizec car u + flatsizec cdr u + 1; symbolic procedure oprin op; (lambda x; if null x then <<prin2!* " "; prin2!* op; prin2!* " ">> else if !*fort then prin2!* x else if !*list and obrkp!* and op memq '(plus minus) then if testing!-width!* then overflowed!* := t else <<terpri!* t; prin2!* x>> else if flagp(op,'spaced) then <<prin2!* " "; prin2!* x; prin2!* " ">> else prin2!* x) get(op,'prtch); symbolic procedure prin2!* u; begin integer m,n; scalar x; if x := get(u,'oldnam) then u := x; if overflowed!* then return 'overflowed else if !*fort then return fprin2!* u else if !*nat then << if u = 'pi then u := symbol '!.pi else if u = 'infinity then u := symbol 'infinity >>; n := lengthc u; if n<=(linelength nil-spare!*) then << m := posn!*+n; % I somewhat dislike having the side-effect of a call to % terpri!* in the condition tested here, but that is maybe what % the problem calls for. if m<=(linelength nil-spare!*) or (not testing!-width!* and << terpri!* t; (m := posn!*+n)<=(linelength nil-spare!*) >>) then <<if not !*nat then %fjw% prin2 u % output should be REDUCE-readable %% begin{fjw} if stringp u or get(u,'switch!*) or digit u or get(car explode2 u,'switch!*) then prin2 u else prin1 u %% end{fjw} else pline!* := (((posn!* . m) . ycoord!*) . u) . pline!*; return (posn!* := m)>>>>; %identifier longer than one line; if testing!-width!* then << overflowed!* := t; return 'overflowed >> else if !*fort then rerror(mathpr,1,list(u,"too long for FORTRAN")); % Let LISP print the atom. terpri!* nil; prin2t u; % if !*clisp then m := posn() else % I think this is what is really wanted. m := remainder(n,(linelength nil-spare!*)); return (posn!* := m) end; symbolic procedure terpri!* u; begin integer n; if outputhandler!* then return apply2(outputhandler!*,'terpri,u) else if testing!-width!* then return overflowed!* := t else if !*fort then return fterpri(u) else if !*nat and pline!* then << pline!* := reverse pline!*; for n := ymax!* step -1 until ymin!* do << scprint(pline!*,n); terpri() >>; pline!* := nil >>; if u then terpri(); posn!* := orig!*; ycoord!* := ymax!* := ymin!* := 0 end; symbolic procedure scprint(u,n); begin scalar m; posn!* := 0; for each v in u do << if cdar v=n then << if not((m:= caaar v-posn!*)<0) then spaces m; prin2 cdr v; posn!* := cdaar v >> >> end; % Formatted printing of expressions. % This one should be eliminated. symbolic procedure writepri(u,v); assgnpri(eval u,nil,v); symbolic procedure exppri(u,v); assgnpri(u,nil,v); symbolic procedure assgnpri(u,v,w); begin scalar x; % U is expression being printed. % V is a list of expressions assigned to U. % W is an id that indicates if U is the first, only or last element % in the current set (or NIL otherwise). % Returns NIL. testing!-width!* := overflowed!* := nil; if null u then u := 0; if !*nero and u=0 then return nil; % Special cases. These tests need to be generalized. if !*tex then return texpri(u,v,w) else if getd 'vecp and vecp u then return vecpri(u,'mat); if (x := getrtype u) and flagp(x,'sprifn) and null outputhandler!* then <<if null v then apply1(get(get(x,'tag),'prifn),u) else maprin list('setq,car v,u); return nil>>; if w memq '(first only) then terpri!* t; v := evalvars v; if !*fort then <<fvarpri(u,v,w); return nil>>; maprin if v then 'setq . aconc(v,u) else u; if null w or w eq 'first then return nil else if not !*nat then prin2!* "$"; terpri!*(not !*nat); return nil end; symbolic procedure evalvars u; % Used only in ASSGNPRI. if null u then nil else if atom car u then car u . evalvars cdr u else (caar u . revlis cdar u) . evalvars cdr u; % Definition of some symbols and their access function. symbolic procedure symbol s; get(s,'symbol!-character); put('!.pi, 'symbol!-character, 'pi); put('bar, 'symbol!-character, '!-); put('int!-top, 'symbol!-character, '!/); put('int!-mid, 'symbol!-character, '!|); put('int!-low, 'symbol!-character, '!/); put('d, 'symbol!-character, '!d); % This MUST be lower case %%put('sqrt, 'symbol!-character, 'sqrt);% No useful fallback here put('vbar, 'symbol!-character, '!|); put('sum!-top, 'symbol!-character, "---"); put('sum!-mid, 'symbol!-character, "> "); put('sum!-low, 'symbol!-character, "---"); put('prod!-top, 'symbol!-character, "---"); put('prod!-mid, 'symbol!-character, "| |"); put('prod!-low, 'symbol!-character, "| |"); put('infinity, 'symbol!-character, 'infinity); % In effect nothing special put('mat!-top!-l, 'symbol!-character, '![); put('mat!-top!-r, 'symbol!-character, '!]); put('mat!-low!-l, 'symbol!-character, '![); put('mat!-low!-r, 'symbol!-character, '!]); % The following definitions allow for more natural printing of % conditional expressions within rule lists. bool!-functions!* := for each x in {'equal,'greaterp,'lessp,'geq,'leq,'neq,'numberp} collect get(x,'boolfn) . x; symbolic procedure condpri(u,p); <<if p>0 then prin2!* "("; while (u := cdr u) do <<if not(caar u eq 't) then <<prin2!* 'if; prin2!* " "; maprin sublis(bool!-functions!*,caar u); prin2!* " "; prin2!* 'then; prin2!* " ">>; maprin cadar u; if cdr u then <<prin2!* " "; prin2!* 'else; prin2!* " ">>>>; if p>0 then prin2!* ")">>; put('cond,'pprifn,'condpri); symbolic procedure revalpri u; maprin eval cadr u; put('aeval,'prifn,'revalpri); put('reval,'prifn,'revalpri); symbolic procedure boolvalpri u; maprin cadr u; put('boolvalue!*,'prifn,'boolvalpri); put('prog,'prifn,'progpri); put('progn,'prifn,'progpri); symbolic procedure progpri u; (rprint u) where rprifn!* = 'prin2!*, rterfn!* = function(lambda();terpri!* nil); endmodule; module sqprint; % Routines for printing standard forms and quotients. % Author: Anthony C. Hearn. % Copyright (c) 1991 RAND. All rights reserved. % Modified by A. C. Norman, 1987. fluid '(!*fort !*horner !*nat !*nero !*pri !*prin!# overflowed!* orig!* outputhandler!* posn!* testing!-width!* ycoord!* ymax!* ymin!* wtl!*); testing!-width!* := overflowed!* := nil; global '(!*eraise); switch horner; % When nat is enabled I use some programmable characters to % draw pi, fraction bars and integral signs. (symbol 's) returns % a character-object, and I use % .pi pi % bar solid horizontal bar - % int-top top hook of integral sign / % int-mid vertical mid-stroke of integral sign | % int-low lower hook of integral sign / % d curly-d for use with integral display d % sqrt square root sign sqrt % sum-top --- % sum-mid > for summation % sum-low --- % prod-top --- % prod-mid | | for products % prod-low | | % infinity infinity sign % mat!-top!-l / for display of matrices % mat!-top!-r \ % mat!-low!-l \ % mat!-low!-r / % vbar | symbolic procedure !*sqprint u; sqprint cadr u; put('!*sq, 'prifn, '!*sqprint); symbolic procedure printsq u; << terpri!* t; sqprint u; terpri!* u; u >>; symbolic procedure sqprint u; %mathprints the standard quotient U; begin scalar flg,z,!*prin!#; !*prin!# := t; z := orig!*; if !*nat and posn!*<20 then orig!* := posn!*; if !*pri or wtl!* then maprin prepreform prepsq!* sqhorner!* u else if cdr u neq 1 then << flg := not domainp numr u and red numr u; if flg then prin2!* "("; xprinf(car u,nil,nil); if flg then prin2!* ")"; prin2!* " / "; flg:= not domainp denr u and (red denr u or lc denr u neq 1); % flg:= not domainp denr u and red denr u; if flg then prin2!* "("; xprinf(cdr u,nil,nil); if flg then prin2!* ")" >> else xprinf(car u,nil,nil); return (orig!* := z) end; symbolic procedure prepreform u; % U is an algebraic expression prepared for output by prepsq*. % Reform inner kernel arguments if these contain references to a % variable which has been declared in a factor or order statement. prepreform1(u,append(ordl!*,factors!*)); symbolic procedure prepreform1(u,l); if atom u or get(car u,'dname) then u else begin scalar w,l1; l1 := l; while null w and l1 do if smemq(car l1,cdr u) then w:=t else l1:=cdr l1; if null w then return u; if memq(car u,'(plus difference minus times quotient)) or null get(car u,'simpfn) then w := nil; return if car u eq '!*sq then prepreform1(prepsq!* sqhorner!* cadr u,l) else car u . for each p in cdr u collect prepreform1(if w then prepsq!* sqhorner!* simp!* p else p,l) end; symbolic procedure sqhorner!* u; if not !*horner then u else hornersq(reorder numr u ./ hornerf reorder denr u) where kord!* = append(ordl!*,kord!*); symbolic procedure printsf u; <<prinsf u; terpri!* nil; u>>; symbolic procedure prinsf u; if null u then prin2!* 0 else xprinf(u,nil,nil); symbolic procedure xprinf(u,v,w); %U is a standard form. %V is a flag which is true if a term has preceded current form. %W is a flag which is true if form is part of a standard term; %Procedure prints the form and returns NIL; << while not domainp u do << xprint(lt u,v); u := red u; v := t >>; if not null u then xprid(u,v,w) else nil >>; symbolic procedure xprid(u,v,w); %U is a domain element. %V is a flag which is true if a term has preceded element. %W is a flag which is true if U is part of a standard term. %Procedure prints element and returns NIL; begin if minusf u then <<oprin 'minus; u := !:minus u>> else if v then oprin 'plus; if not w or u neq 1 then if atom u then prin2!* u else maprin u end; symbolic procedure xprint(u,v); %U is a standard term. %V is a flag which is true if a term has preceded this term. %Procedure prints the term and returns NIL; begin scalar flg,w; flg := not domainp tc u and red tc u; if flg then << if v then oprin 'plus; prin2!* "(" >>; xprinf(tc u,if flg then nil else v,not flg); if flg then prin2!* ")"; if not atom tc u or not(abs tc u=1) then oprin 'times; w := tpow u; if atom car w then prin2!* car w else if not atom caar w or caar w eq '!*sq then << prin2!* "("; if not atom caar w then xprinf(car w,nil,nil) else sqprint cadar w; prin2!* ")" >> else if caar w eq 'plus then maprint(car w,100) else maprin car w; if not (cdr w=1) then << if !*nat and !*eraise then <<ycoord!* := ycoord!*+1; if ycoord!*>ymax!* then ymax!* := ycoord!*>> else prin2!* get('expt,'prtch); prin2!* if numberp cdr w and minusp cdr w then list cdr w else cdr w; if !*nat and !*eraise then <<ycoord!* := ycoord!*-1; if ymin!*>ycoord!* then ymin!* := ycoord!*>> >> end; endmodule; module ratprin; % Printing standard quotients. % Author: Eberhard Schruefer. % Modifications by: Anthony C. Hearn & A. C. Norman. fluid '(!*fort !*list !*mcd !*nat !*ratpri dmode!* ycoord!* ymin!* ymax!* orig!* pline!* posn!* p!*!*); global '(spare!*); switch ratpri; !*ratpri := t; % default value if this module is loaded. put('quotient,'prifn,'quotpri); put('quotpri, 'expt, 'inbrackets); symbolic procedure quotpri u; % *mcd is included here since it uses rational domain elements. begin scalar dmode; if null !*ratpri or null !*nat or !*fort or !*list or null !*mcd then return 'failed else if flagp(dmode!*,'ratmode) then <<dmode := dmode!*; dmode!* := nil>>; u := ratfunpri1 u; if dmode then dmode!* := dmode; return u end; symbolic procedure ratfunpri1 u; begin scalar x,y,ch,pln,pld; integer heightnum,heightden,orgnum,orgden,fl,w; spare!* := spare!* + 2; if (pln := layout!-formula(cadr u, 0, nil)) and (pld := layout!-formula(caddr u, 0, nil)) then << spare!* := spare!* - 2; fl := 2 + max(cdar pln, cdar pld); if fl>(linelength nil - spare!* - posn!*) then terpri!* t; w := (cdar pln - cdar pld); % Width difference num vs. den if w > 0 then << orgnum := 0; orgden := w / 2 >> else << orgnum := (-w) / 2; orgden := 0 >>; heightnum := cddr pln - cadr pln + 1; heightden := cddr pld - cadr pld + 1; pline!* := append( update!-pline(orgnum + posn!* + 1 - orig!*, 1 - cadr pln + ycoord!*, caar pln), append(update!-pline(orgden + posn!* + 1 - orig!*, ycoord!* - cddr pld - 1, caar pld), pline!*)); ymin!* := min(ymin!*, ycoord!* - heightden); ymax!* := max(ymax!*, ycoord!* + heightnum); ch := symbol 'bar; for j := 1:fl do prin2!* ch >> else << % Here the miserable thing will not fit on one line spare!* := spare!* - 2; % Restore u := cdr u; x := get('quotient,'infix); if p!*!* then y := p!*!*>x else y := nil; if y then prin2!* "("; maprint(car u,x); oprin 'quotient; maprint(negnumberchk cadr u,x); if y then prin2!* ")">> end; symbolic procedure layout!-formula(u, p, op); % This procedure forms a pline!* structure for an expression that % will fit upon a single line. It returns the pline* together with % height, depth and width information. If the line would not fit % it returns nil. Note funny treatment of orig!* and width here. % If op is non-nil oprin it too - if it is 'inbrackets do that. begin scalar ycoord!*, ymin!*, ymax!*, posn!*, pline!*, testing!-width!*, overflowed!*; pline!* := overflowed!* := nil; ycoord!* := ymin!* := ymax!* := 0; posn!* := orig!*; testing!-width!* := t; if op then << if op = 'inbrackets then prin2!* "(" else oprin op >>; maprint(u, p); if op = 'inbrackets then prin2!* ")"; if overflowed!* then return nil else return (pline!* . (posn!* - orig!*)) . (ymin!* . ymax!*) end; symbolic procedure update!-pline(x,y,pline); % Adjusts origin of expression in pline by (x,y). if x=0 and y=0 then pline else for each j in pline collect (((caaar j #+ x) . (cdaar j #+ x)) . (cdar j #+ y)) . cdr j; symbolic procedure prinfit(u, p, op); % Display u (as with maprint) with op in front of it, but starting % a new line before it if there would be overflow otherwise. begin scalar w; if not !*nat or testing!-width!* then << if op then oprin op; return maprint(u, p) >>; w := layout!-formula(u, p, op); if w = nil then << if op then oprin op; return maprint(u, p) >>; putpline w end; symbolic procedure putpline w; begin if posn!* #+ cdar w > linelength nil #- spare!* then terpri!* t; pline!* := append(update!-pline(posn!* #- orig!*, ycoord!*, caar w), pline!*); posn!* := posn!* #+ cdar w; ymin!* := min(ymin!*, cadr w #+ ycoord!*); ymax!* := max(ymax!*, cddr w #+ ycoord!*) end; endmodule; module dfprin; % Printing for derivatives plus other options % suggested by the Twente group % Author: A. C. Norman, reconstructing ideas from Ben Hulshof, % Pim van den Heuvel and Hans van Hulzen. fluid '(!*fort !*nat depl!* posn!*); global '(!*dfprint !*noarg farglist!*); switch dfprint,noarg; !*dfprint := nil; % This is OFF by default because switching it on % changes Reduce output in a way that might upset % customers who have not found out about this switch. % Perhaps in later releases of the code (and when the % manual reflects this upgrade) it will be possible % to make 'on dfprint' the default. Some sites may of % course wish to arrange things otherwise... !*noarg := t; % If dfprint is enabled I am happy for noarg to be % the expected option. farglist!* := nil; symbolic procedure dfprintfn u; % Display derivatives - if suitable flags are set this uses % subscripts to denote differentiation and loses the arguments to % functions. if not !*nat or !*fort or not !*dfprint then 'failed else begin scalar w; w := layout!-formula('!!df!! . cdr u, 0, nil); if w = nil then return 'failed else putpline w end; put('df, 'prifn, 'dfprintfn); symbolic procedure dflayout u; % This is a prifn for !!df!!, which is used internally when I am % formatting derivatives, but which should only ever be seen in % testing!-width!* mode and never at all by the end-user. begin scalar op, args, w; w := car (u := cdr u); u := cdr u; if !*noarg then << if atom w then << op := w; args := assoc(op, depl!*); % Implicit args if args then args := cdr args >> else << op := car w; args := cdr w >>; % Explicit args remember!-args(op, args); w := op >>; maprin w; if u then << u := layout!-formula('!!dfsub!! . u, 0, nil); % subscript line if null u then return 'failed; w := 1 + cddr u; putpline((update!-pline(0, -w, caar u) . cdar u) . ((cadr u - w) . (cddr u - w))) >> end; symbolic procedure dfsublayout u; % This is a prifn for !!dfsub!!, which is used internally when I am % formatting derivatives, but which should only ever be seen in % testing!-width!* mode and never at all by the end-user. begin scalar dfcase, firstflag, w; % This is used as a prifn for both df and other things with % subscripts - dfcase remembers which. dfcase := (car u = '!!dfsub!!); u := cdr u; firstflag := t; while u do << w := car u; u := cdr u; if firstflag then firstflag := nil else prin2!* ","; if dfcase and u and numberp car u then << prin2!* car u; u := cdr u >>; maprin w >> end; put('!!df!!, 'prifn, 'dflayout); put('!!dfsub!!, 'prifn, 'dfsublayout); symbolic procedure remember!-args(op, args); % This records information that can be displayed by the user % issuing the command 'FARG'. begin scalar w; w := assoc(op, farglist!*); if null w then farglist!* := (op . args) . farglist!* end; symbolic procedure farg; % Implementation of FARG: display implicit argument data begin scalar newname; prin2!* "The operators have the following "; prin2!* "arguments or dependencies"; terpri!* t; for each p in farglist!* do << prin2!* car p; prin2!* "="; % To avoid clever pieces of code getting rid of argument displays % here I convert the name of the function into a string so that % maprin produces a simple but complete display. Since I expect % farg to be called but rarely this does not seem overexpensive newname := compress ('!" . append(explodec car p, '(!"))); maprin(newname . cdr p); terpri!* t >> end; put('farg, 'stat, 'endstat); symbolic procedure clfarg; % Clear record of implicit args farglist!* := nil; put('clfarg, 'stat, 'endstat); symbolic procedure setprifn(u, fn); % Establish (or clear) prifn property for a list of symbols for each n in u do if idp n then << % Things listed here will be declared operators now if they have % not been so declared earlier. if not operatorp n then mkop n; if fn then put(n, 'prifn, fn) else remprop(n, 'prifn) >> else lprim list(n, "not an identifier"); symbolic procedure indexprin u; % Print helper-function when integer-valued arguments are to be shown as % subscripts if not !*nat or !*fort then 'failed else begin scalar w; w := layout!-formula('!!index!! . u, 0, nil); if w = nil then return 'failed else putpline w end; symbolic procedure indexpower(u, n); % Print helper-function when integer-valued arguments are to be shown as % subscripts with exponent n begin scalar w; w := layout!-formula('!!indexpower!! . n . u, 0, nil); if w = nil then return 'failed else putpline w end; symbolic procedure indexlayout u; % This is a prifn for !!index!!, which is used internally when I am % formatting index forms, but which should only ever be seen in % testing!-width!* mode and never at all by the end-user. begin scalar w; w := car (u := cdr u); u := cdr u; maprin w; if u then << u := layout!-formula('!!indexsub!! . u, 0, nil); % subscript line if null u then return 'failed; w := 1 + cddr u; putpline((update!-pline(0, -w, caar u) . cdar u) . ((cadr u - w) . (cddr u - w))) >> end; symbolic procedure indexpowerlayout u; % Format a subscripted object raised to some power. begin scalar n, w, pos, maxpos; n := car (u := cdr u); % The exponent w := car (u := cdr u); u := cdr u; maprin w; w := layout!-formula(n, 0, nil); pos := posn!*; putpline((update!-pline(0, 1 - cadr w, caar w) . cdar w) . (1 . (1 + cddr w - cadr w))); maxpos := posn!*; posn!* := pos; if u then << u := layout!-formula('!!indexsub!! . u, 0,nil); % subscript line if null u then return 'failed; w := 1 + cddr u; putpline((update!-pline(0, -w, caar u) . cdar u) . ((cadr u - w) . (cddr u - w))) >>; posn!* := max(posn!*, maxpos) end; put('!!index!!, 'prifn, 'indexlayout); put('!!indexpower!!, 'prifn, 'indexpowerlayout); put('!!indexsub!!, 'prifn, 'dfsublayout); symbolic procedure noargsprin u; % Print helper-function when arguments for a function are to be hidden, % but remembered for display via farg if not !*nat or !*fort then 'failed else << remember!-args(car u, cdr u); maprin car u >>; symbolic procedure doindex u; % Establish some function names to have args treated as index values setprifn(u, 'indexprin); symbolic procedure offindex u; % Clear effect of doindex setprifn(u, nil); symbolic procedure donoargs u; % Identify functions where args are to be hidden setprifn(u, 'noargsprin); symbolic procedure offnoargs u; % Clear effect of donoargs setprifn(u, nil); put('doindex, 'stat, 'rlis); put('offindex, 'stat, 'rlis); put('donoargs, 'stat, 'rlis); put('offnoargs, 'stat, 'rlis); endmodule; module fortpri; % FORTRAN output package for expressions. % Author: Anthony C. Hearn. % Modified by: James Davenport after Francoise Richard, April 1988. % Herbert Melenk (introducing C output style), October 1994 % Copyright (c) 1991 RAND. All rights reserved. fluid '(!*fort !*fortupper !*period scountr explis fbrkt fvar nchars svar posn!* fortlang!*); switch fortupper; global '(card_no charassoc!* fort_width fort_lang spare!* varnam!*); % The global fort_exponent is defined in the module arith/smlbflot. % Global variables initialized in this section. % SPARE!* should be set in the system dependent code module. card_no:=20; charassoc!* := '((!A . !a) (!B . !b) (!C . !c) (!D . !d) (!E . !e) (!F . !f) (!G . !g) (!H . !h) (!I . !i) (!J . !j) (!K . !k) (!L . !l) (!M . !m) (!N . !n) (!O . !o) (!P . !p) (!Q . !q) (!R . !r) (!S . !s) (!T . !t) (!U . !u) (!V . !v) (!W . !w) (!X . !x) (!Y . !y) (!Z . !z)); fort_width := 70; posn!* := 0; varnam!* := 'ans; fort_lang := 'fort; flag ('(card_no fort_width fort_lang),'share); put('fort_array,'stat,'rlis); flag('(fort_array),'flagop); symbolic procedure varname u; % Sets the default variable assignment name. if not idp car u then typerr(car u,"identifier") else varnam!* := car u; rlistat '(varname); symbolic procedure flength(u,chars); if chars<0 then chars else if atom u then chars-if numberp u then if fixp u then flatsizec u+1 else flatsizec u else flatsizec((lambda x; if x then x else u) get(u,'prtch)) else flength(car u,flenlis(cdr u,chars)-2); symbolic procedure flenlis(u,chars); if null u then chars else if chars<0 then chars else if atom u then flength(u,chars) else flenlis(cdr u,flength(car u,chars)); symbolic procedure fmprint(l,p); begin scalar x,w; if null l then return nil else if atom l then << if l eq 'e then return % if fortlang!*='c then "exp(1.0)" else "EXP(1.0)"; fprin2!* "EXP(1.0)"; if fixp l and !*period then return fmprint(i2rd!* l,p); if not numberp l or not(l<0) then return fprin2!* l; fprin2!* "("; fbrkt := nil . fbrkt; fprin2!* l; fprin2!* ")"; return fbrkt := cdr fbrkt >> else if stringp l then return fprin2!* l else if not atom car l then fmprint(car l,p) else if x := get(car l,'fort) then return apply2(x,l,p) else if ((x := get(car l,'pprifn)) and not((x := apply2(x,l,p)) eq 'failed)) or ((x := get(car l,'prifn)) and not((x := apply1(x,l)) eq 'failed)) then return x else if x := get(car l,'infix) then << p := not(x>p); if p then <<fprin2!* "("; fbrkt := nil . fbrkt>>; fnprint(car l,x,cdr l); if p then <<fprin2!* ")"; fbrkt := cdr fbrkt>>; return >> else fprin2!* car l; w:= fortlang!* = 'c and flagp(car l,'fort_array); fprin2!* if w then "[" else "("; fbrkt := nil . fbrkt; x := !*period; % Assume no period printing for non-operators (e.g., matrices). if gettype car l neq 'operator or flagp(car l,'fort_array) then !*period := nil; if cdr l then fnprint(if w then "][" else '!*comma!*,0,cdr l); !*period := x; fprin2!* if w then "]" else ")"; return fbrkt := cdr fbrkt end; symbolic procedure fnprint(op,p,l); begin if op eq 'expt then return fexppri(p,l) else if not get(op,'alt) then << fmprint(car l,p); l := cdr l >>; for each v in l do << if atom v or not (op eq get(car v,'alt)) then foprin op; fmprint(v,p) >> end; symbolic procedure fexppri(p,l); % Next line added by James Davenport after Francoise Richard. if car l eq 'e then fmprint('exp . cdr l,p) % C entry by Herbert Melenk. else if fortlang!*='c then if fixp cadr l and cadr l >0 and cadr l<4 then fmprint('times . for i:=1:cadr l collect car l,p) else fmprint('pow.l,p) else begin scalar pperiod; fmprint(car l,p); foprin 'expt; pperiod := !*period; if numberp cadr l then !*period := nil else !*period := t; fmprint(cadr l,p); !*period := pperiod end; put('pow,'simpfn,'simpiden); symbolic procedure foprin op; (if null x then fprin2!* op else fprin2!* x) where x=get(op,'prtch); symbolic procedure fvarpri(u,v,w); %prints an assignment in FORTRAN notation; begin integer scountr,llength,nchars; scalar explis,fvar,svar; fortlang!* := reval fort_lang; if not(fortlang!* memq '(fort c)) then typerr(fortlang!*,"target language"); llength := linelength nil; if not posintegerp card_no then typerr(card_no,"FORTRAN card number"); if not posintegerp fort_width then typerr(fort_width,"FORTRAN line width"); linelength fort_width; if stringp u then return <<fprin2!* u; if w eq 'only then fterpri(t); linelength llength>>; if eqcar(u,'!*sq) then u := prepsq!* sqhorner!* cadr u; scountr := 0; nchars := if fortlang!* = 'c then 999999 else ((linelength nil-spare!*)-12)*card_no; %12 is to allow for indentation and end of line effects; svar := varnam!*; fvar := if null v then (if fortlang!*='fort then svar else nil) else car v; if posn!*=0 and w then fortpri(fvar,u,w) else fortpri(nil,u,w); % should mean expression preceded by a string. linelength llength end; symbolic procedure fortpri(fvar,xexp,w); begin scalar fbrkt; if eqcar(xexp,'list) then <<posn!* := 0; fprin2!* "C ***** INVALID FORTRAN CONSTRUCT ("; fprin2!* car xexp; return fprin2!* ") NOT PRINTED">>; if flength(xexp,nchars)<0 then xexp := car xexp . fout(cdr xexp,car xexp,w); if fvar then <<posn!* := 0; fprin2!* " "; fmprint(fvar,0); fprin2!* "=">>; fmprint(xexp,0); if fortlang!*='fort and w or w='last then fterpri(w) end; symbolic procedure fout(args,op,w); begin integer ncharsl; scalar distop,x,z; ncharsl := nchars; if op memq '(plus times) then distop := op; while args do <<x := car args; if atom x and (ncharsl := flength(x,ncharsl)) or (null cdr args or distop) and (ncharsl := flength(x,ncharsl))>0 then z := x . z else if distop and flength(x,nchars)>0 then <<z := fout1(distop . args,w) . z; args := list nil>> else <<z := fout1(x,w) . z; ncharsl := flength(op,ncharsl)>>; ncharsl := flength(op,ncharsl); args := cdr args>>; return reversip!* z end; symbolic procedure fout1(xexp,w); begin scalar fvar; fvar := genvar(); explis := (xexp . fvar) . explis; fortpri(fvar,xexp,w); return fvar end; % If we are in a comment, we want to continue to stay in one, % Even if there's a formula. That's the purpose of this flag % Added by James Davenport after Francoise Richard. global '(Comment!*); symbolic procedure fprin2!* u; % FORTRAN output of U. begin integer m,n; if posn!*=0 then Comment!* := stringp u and cadr(explode u) eq 'C; n := flatsizec u; m := posn!*+n; if fixp u and !*period then m := m+1; if m<(linelength nil-spare!*) then posn!* := m else <<terpri(); if Comment!* then << fprin2 "C"; spaces 4 >> else spaces 5; prin2 if fortlang!*='c then " " else ". "; posn!* := n+7>>; fprin2 u; if fixp u and !*period then prin2 "." end; symbolic procedure prin2!-downcase u; for each c in explode2 u do if liter c then prin2 red!-char!-downcase c else prin2 c; symbolic procedure prin2!-upcase u; for each c in explode2 u do if liter c then prin2 red!-char!-upcase c else prin2 c; symbolic procedure fprin2 u; % Prints id or string u so that case of all characters depends on % !*fortupper. Note !*lower setting only relevant here for PSL. (if !*fortupper then prin2!-upcase u else prin2!-downcase u) where !*lower = nil; symbolic procedure red!-char!-downcase u; (if x then cdr x else u) where x = atsoc(u,charassoc!*); symbolic procedure red!-char!-upcase u; (if x then car x else u) where x = rassoc(u,charassoc!*); symbolic procedure fterpri(u); <<if not(posn!*=0) and u then terpri(); posn!* := 0>>; symbolic procedure genvar; intern compress append(explode svar,explode(scountr := scountr + 1)); mkop 'no_period; % for printing of expressions with period locally off. put('no_period,'fort,'fo_no_period); symbolic procedure fo_no_period(u,p); begin scalar !*period; fmprint(cadr u,p) end; endmodule; end;