D 2014-09-03T22:46:01.524 L WPPost N text/x-markdown P 89e35b3d919121abd60687145fb36871b9782feb U Ross W 971 # WPPost Home Utility to publish local text files in Markdown format on any [WordPress](http://wordpress.org/) based blog site, especially those hosted at [wordpress.com](http://wordpress.com/). Originally written as sample code for some posts on [curiouser.cheshireeng.com](http://curiouser.cheshireeng.com/), it is intended to evolve into a tool useful to us in maintaining that site and perhaps even to others who deal with publishing out of local revision control. # Useful links ## Cheshire * [Cheshire home](http://www.cheshireeng.com/) * [Curiouser blog](http://curiouser.cheshireeng.com/) ## Wordpress * [XML-RPC](http://codex.wordpress.org/XML-RPC_WordPress_API) based API ## Lua * [Lua for Windows](https://code.google.com/p/luaforwindows/) * [Lua XML-RPC](http://keplerproject.github.io/lua-xmlrpc/index.html) ## Repository maintenance * [Edit this page](wikiedit?name=WPPost) * [All wiki pages](wcontent) Z c62f80bed146c5acc1ca7094518762da