D 2013-02-09T00:02:06.547 L Ticket\sUtilities\sand\sPractice P 749577a99042a4b10c455b8d1353df06f56ca26e U rberteig W 1671 Utilities and best practices (according to me) related to the Fossil SCM ticket system. I use fossil as my currently preferred version control system for both personal and customer projects. Our typical project is fairly small, with perhaps two or three active developers. Due to fossil's design goal of "low ceremony", it works exceptionally well at that scale. Naturally, fossil scales up well too, but my personal projects have not needed to push that envelope. We are largely a Windows shop, but nothing in this repository is intended to be restricted to use with Windows. That said, little has likely been tested outside of windows. Your mileage may vary. Bug reports welcome. Etc.


* Reporter. This is a template-driven PDF report generator for ticket reports. Clone this repository, then look in the reporter folder for reporter.lua, sample.report, and readme.pdf (or readme.md, which can be turned into a PDF with Pandoc).

Prerequisite Tools

* [http://www.fossil-scm.org/|Fossil] is why we are here. * [http://www.lua.org/|Lua] is a compact (but fast and powerful) scripting language. The reporter utility is written in Lua. Any distribution for your platform of choice should work. We currently like [http://code.google.com/p/luaforwindows/|Lua for Windows] on Windows. * AT&T [http://www.graphviz.org/|Graphviz] for visualization of graphs and flows. * [http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/|Pandoc] for document conversions between markdown, html, and TeX.

Useful Internal Links

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