Ticket Utilities and Practice

Update of "BIE Value Histogram"

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Artifact ID: 97bb000867f4b16a0fe3643a4be107c092a6cb44
Page Name:BIE Value Histogram
Date: 2012-12-14 00:05:53
Original User: Ross
Parent: d785178cefa603b3fa2c1929a16dab3e8a782271 (diff)

BIE product histograms

Using the values 1 through 5 as the range for each of Breadth, Impact and Ease, the product of the three yields values from 1 through 125. Out of curiosity, I determined the unique values (by spreadsheet enumeration) and made histograms of them.


It turns out there are 30 unique values.

Value   Frequency               Percentile              Value   Frequency
1       1       *               1%                      12      9       *********
2       3       ***             3%                      20      9       *********
3       3       ***             6%                      8       7       *******
4       6       ******          10%                     4       6       ******
5       3       ***             13%                     6       6       ******
6       6       ******          18%                     10      6       ******
8       7       *******         23%                     15      6       ******
9       3       ***             26%                     16      6       ******
10      6       ******          30%                     24      6       ******
12      9       *********       38%                     30      6       ******
15      6       ******          42%                     40      6       ******
16      6       ******          47%                     60      6       ******
18      3       ***             50%                     2       3       ***
20      9       *********       57%                     3       3       ***
24      6       ******          62%                     5       3       ***
25      3       ***             64%                     9       3       ***
27      1       *               65%                     18      3       ***
30      6       ******          70%                     25      3       ***
32      3       ***             72%                     32      3       ***
36      3       ***             74%                     36      3       ***
40      6       ******          79%                     45      3       ***
45      3       ***             82%                     48      3       ***
48      3       ***             84%                     50      3       ***
50      3       ***             86%                     75      3       ***
60      6       ******          91%                     80      3       ***
64      1       *               92%                     100     3       ***
75      3       ***             94%                     1       1       *
80      3       ***             97%                     27      1       *
100     3       ***             99%                     64      1       *
125     1       *               100%                    125     1       *

The median value of the product is only 18, which may substantially skew the reader's perception of the product rankings. For example, 62 might seem like a "middling" value between 1 and 125, but it is actually in the 91st percentile of possible values.

Color schemes

Using the canonical source for decent color coding schemes, here are two suggested colorings by priority triple product:


16#fc8d59 stop#67a9cf cold
816#fee08b careful#d1e5f0 chilly
1830#ffffbf well#f7f7f7 ok
3250#d9ef8b ok#fddbc7 warm
60125#91cf60 GO!#ef8a62 hot

The stop-n-go is the center five values of "7-Class Diverging RYG". The temperature is the center five values of "7-Class Diverging RdBu".

BIE Interpretation


5EveryoneCritical -- Can't use the productTrivial -- Edit and test
4Most UsersLargeEasy -- Think, edit, and test
3Many UsersModerate -- Major annoyanceModerate -- Substantial new code
2Few UsersMinor -- Easy workaroundHard -- Research and/or experiments
1Only meHardly -- Barely noticeImpossible -- No idea how to do