Ticket Utilities and Practice

Artifact [b33f136ade]

Artifact b33f136adea8e7fec81bf9abc39a1d42cd8cb397:

Wiki page [Useful Color Schemes] by rberteig 2014-08-14 22:44:30.
D 2014-08-14T22:44:30.239
L Useful\sColor\sSchemes
N text/x-markdown
U rberteig
W 1401
# Useful Color Schemes

Using the [cannonical source][1] for decent color coding schemes, here are two suggested colorings.

  [1]: http://www.personal.psu.edu/cab38/ColorBrewer/ColorBrewer.html

<tr><td>1</td><td>6</td><td bgcolor="#fc8d59">#fc8d59 stop</td><td bgcolor="#67a9cf">#67a9cf cold</td></tr>
<tr><td>8</td><td>16</td><td bgcolor="#fee08b">#fee08b careful</td><td bgcolor="#d1e5f0">#d1e5f0 chilly</td></tr>
<tr><td>18</td><td>30</td><td bgcolor="#ffffbf">#ffffbf well</td><td bgcolor="#f7f7f7">#f7f7f7 ok</td></tr>
<tr><td>32</td><td>50</td><td bgcolor="#d9ef8b">#d9ef8b ok</td><td bgcolor="#fddbc7">#fddbc7 warm</td></tr>
<tr><td>60</td><td>125</td><td bgcolor="#91cf60">#91cf60 GO!</td><td bgcolor="#ef8a62">#ef8a62 hot</td></tr>

## Stop-Go

The stop-n-go is the center five values of "7-Class Diverging RYG".

    #ffffff Key:
    #fc8d59 stop
    #fee08b careful
    #ffffbf well
    #d9ef8b ok
    #91cf60 GO!

## Hot-Cold

The temperature is the center five values of "7-Class Diverging RdBu".

    #ffffff Key:
    #ef8a62 hot
    #fddbc7 warm
    #f7f7f7 ok
    #d1e5f0 chilly
    #67a9cf cold

# Default

    #ffffff Key:
    #f2dcdc Active
    #e8e8e8 Review
    #cfe8bd Fixed
    #bde5d6 Tested
    #cacae5 Deferred
    #c8c8c8 Closed

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