
Artifact [93cdea1aac]

Artifact 93cdea1aac40f0222da13f585e32ec9f0679f7ed:

#! /bin/env tclsh

namespace import [yclprefix]
if {[namespace tail [yclprefix]] ne {ycl}} {
	rename [namespace tail [yclprefix]] ycl
package require fileutil
namespace import ::fileutil::fullnormalize
#package require sha1
#package require struct::matrix
package require uuid
namespace import ::uuid::uuid

package require ycl::ns
namespace import [yclprefix]::ns::object
package require ycl::proc
namespace import [yclprefix]::proc::checkargs
namespace import [yclprefix]::proc::dproc
namespace import [yclprefix]::proc::alias

package require ycl::iter

package require ycl::file
namespace import [yclprefix]::file::cat
namespace import [yclprefix]::file::fputs

package require ycl::list
interp alias {} [namespace current]::all {} [yclprefix] list all

namespace eval doc {}
namespace eval conf {}

proc empty? {path} {
	return [expr {[llength [glob -nocomplain -directory $path *]] == 0}]

variable doc::iter {
	description {
		iterate through the contents of a directory
	args {
		path {
			description {
				filesystem path to traverse, usually a directory.  If it is a
				path, the iterator will yield nothing
			validate {
				[file isdirectory $path]
		select {
			description {
				a command prefix to which will be appended the name of each
				directory, and which should return the desired contents of the
			default {
				set select {
					apply {path {
						set contents [
							glob -nocomplain -directory $path -type hidden *]
						lappend contents {*}[
							glob -nocomplain -directory $path *]

						#performance-wide, the following two alternatives
						#are sixes.

						set contents [lsearch -all -inline -not \
							[lsort $contents[set contents {}]] */.]
						set contents [lsearch -all -inline -not \
							$contents[set contents {}] */..]

						#foreach item [lsort $contents[set contents {}]] {
						#	if {[file tail $item] ni {. ..}} {
						#		lappend contents $item
						#	}
						return $contents

		dirs {
			description {
				include directories in the output
			validate {
				[string is boolean $dirs]
			default {
				set dirs false
		files {
			description {
				include files in the output
			validate {
				[string is boolean $files]
			default {
				set files true
		mode {
			description {
				specifies depth-first or breadth-first
			validate {
				$mode in {breadth depth}
			default {
				set mode breadth
dproc iter {path args} {
	checkargs doc::iter
	set subdirs [list $path]
	switch -- $mode {
		breadth {
			ycl iter iter {} {
				while {[llength $subdirs]} {
					set newsubdirs [list]
					foreach subdir $subdirs {
						if {$dirs} {
							yield $subdir
						foreach item [{*}$select $subdir] {
							if {[file isdirectory $item]} {
								lappend newsubdirs $item
							} elseif {$files} {
								yield $item
					set subdirs $newsubdirs
			} subdirs $subdirs select $select dirs $dirs files $files
		depth {
			ycl iter iter {} {
				if {![catch {set contents [{*}$select $path]}]} {
					foreach item $contents {
						if {[file isdirectory $item]} {
							$ns ycl iter for item in [$ns iter $item {*}$args] {
								yield $item
						} else {
							yield $item
				if {$dirs} {
					yield $path
			} ns [namespace current] path $path select $select dirs $dirs \
				files $files args $args

variable doc::mktempdir {
	description {
		create a directory guaranteed to have just been created by this operation.

		The user is responsible for deleting the temporary directory.
	args {
		in {
			description {
				path to create the tmpdir in
			default {
				set in [::fileutil::tempdir]
		named {
			description {
				name of the temporary directory 
			default {
		pattern {
			description {
				template for creating the directory
			default {
		tries {
			description {
				how many times to try making the directory before giving up
			default {
				set tries 1000
dproc mktempdir args {
	#todo: also try to use mktemp -d
	checkargs doc::mktempdir
	set success 0
	if {[auto_execok mkdir] ne {}} {
		set mkdir mkdir
	} else {
		set mkdir {file mkdir}
	for {} {$tries > 0} {incr tries -1} {
		set fname [uuid generate]
		set dirpath [file join $in $fname]
		if {[file exists $dirpath]} {
		set status [catch {
			exec {*}$mkdir $dirpath
			set success 1
		} cres copts]
		if {$status} {
			return -code $status -opts $copts $cres
	return $dirpath

variable doc::deserialize {
	description {
		convert a representation of a filesystem tree to a real filesystem tree	
	args {
		in {
			description {
				a path in which to create the directory tree 
		tree {
			description {
				a list of the form {directories files}.  Each directory is a
				list of the form {name hierarchy}, and each file is a list of
				the form {name contents} 
dproc deserialize args {
	checkargs doc::deserialize
	lassign $tree dirs files
	foreach {file contents} $files {
		set path [file join $in $file]
		set chan [open $path w]
		puts $chan $contents
		close $chan
	foreach {dir tree} $dirs {
		set in2 [file join $in $dir]
		file mkdir $in2 
		deserialize tree $tree in $in2 

#TODO: there's a better solution for this on the wiki,  I think (bag of algorithms?)
if {[file normalize [info script]] eq [file normalize $argv0]} {