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<h2>The experimental BBN-Haverty TCP/IP stack</h2>

The TCP/IP stack for V6 Unix done by Jack Haverty at Bolt Beranek & Newman (BBN) appears to be the first TCP/IP stack ever done for Unix. It consisted of a user mode TCP/IP daemon that connected over Rand ports to user processes. There was a standard network library that abstracted the communication with the daemon into a few straightforward procedure calls (TCP_init(), TCP_open(), etc.).

Although Jack's work showed that it conceptually worked, it also made clear that the PDP11/40 with perhaps 256KB of core was too small a machine: the continuous swapping of the daemon and port buffers made the setup painfully slow.

The idea of a user mode TCP/IP daemon was used again in the follow-on [/wiki?name=wingfield|BBN-Wingfield] implementation. This implementation had the TCP/IP daemon in C, and ran on a PDP11/70 using a full NCP Unix kernel and the await() and capac() extensions pioneered by Haverty.

<h3>Source code</h3>

The source of the experimental BBN-Haverty TCP/IP Unix has survived as a printout in its March 1979 form. There is currently no machine readable version available.


Currently no emulation for this Unix version is available.


<i>This section is based on a [|large post] by Jack Haverty on the Internet History mailing list.</i>

The Haverty TCP effort was part of a large project in 1976/77, building a research system
for network security that involved a client/server architecture. BBN
had a bunch of LSI-11 systems (used in a variety of projects, such as the SRI
Packet Radios) that were clients of a server
running on a PDP-10 TENEX system. The goal was to move that server
function to a much cheaper machine and it was thought at the time that a
PDP-11/40 running Unix was suitable option.

Jim Mathis at SRI had developed a TCP implementation for the LSI11
computers used in experimental Packet Radio network.  It was known as "TCP11".
The implementation was a TCP version 2.5, written in Macro-11, and designed
to run on top of "MOS", which was SRI's homegrown operating system for the LSI11.
All of this work was done under DARPA funding.

So the plan became to port the Mathis TCP stack to Unix. DARPA directed SRI to provide
BBN with the source of TCP11, which SRI happily provided. The project to perform the
port was assigned to Jack Haverty. Jack left MIT and joined BBN in the summer of 1977,
and his first assignment was to get TCP running on a PDP-11/40 with V6 Unix and Rand
ports installed.

Jack recalls: <i>When I began that project, I didn't know much about Unix. I had seen
people using it, but hadn't used it myself. I recall that my first
impression was that to use Unix you typed strings of gibberish at the
console, which somehow made sense to the system. The Unix command
language was (is still) pretty complex. I used to speak it fluently,
but that was a long time ago...  Most of my prior work was on PDP10s and
PDP11s at MIT in Licklider's group. I also had written a lot of code that used the
ARPANET in the 70's, but hadn't done any of the system programming work on NCP. 
I hadn't heard of TCP either.

So I guess I was the perfect choice to implement TCP in Unix... anyway
that's what I was assigned to do, working with Randy Rettberg (who
didn't know anything about Unix either).

I had to learn how the kernel worked.  Since there was no open-source
Unix at the time, the kernel came from AT&T with lots of restrictions
about keeping it confidential, but with no documentation of the
internals of the kernel itself.  The source code was provided, but it
was difficult to figure out the "big picture" of how it operated.

The ARPANET came to the rescue -- I found documentation of some Unix
internals that were apparently used in courses at the University of
Woolongong -- these would become known as "the Lions book"</i>

<h4>Porting TCP11 to Unix</h4>

The TCP11 stack supported a single connection at a time and consisted of
a connection state machine and packet handling code. It needed extension
to multiple concurrent connections for its Unix role.

Fully integrating the TCP11 stack into the V6 kernel looked unfeasible. The
extended TCP11 stack was some 10KB {?} in size and including buffers would
not fit in the 64KB of address space offered by the PDP11/40.

Because of this Jack decided to put the TCP11 stack in a daemon process that
communicated with an IMP on the one hand and with client processes on the other.

The daemon consisted of the TCP11 stack and a support layer that interfaced
the stack with standard Unix system calls and provided  task scheduling services.
However, standard V6 Unix offered very little in terms of IPC facilities. The
Rand ports offered a way for a client to connect to the daemon, but this was not
enough to make the daemon itself work. Jack had to add several more extensions
to the kernel, which are discussed below.

Client processes made use of a library to connect to the daemon. The client
library hid all of the IPC complexity and offered a simple function call API, roughly
modeled on the TCP implementation done for TENEX. {?}

<h4>Extending the kernel</h4>

The problem that had to be overcome was that standard V6 Unix relied
exclusively on blocking I/O: there was no mechanism to wait for data
to arrive on any of a number of open files or pipes.

Jack recalls:
<i>Randy and I had to invent a minimalist new function for the Unix kernel
to make it possible to write TCP.  The basic requirement was that a
process (the TCP daemon) be able to have multiple simultaneous I/O activities
without the risk of the TCP daemon process being blocked waiting in a read or
write on any particular file descriptor.

Of course it all had to fit into the PDP-11/40 kernel space, which meant
very, very few instructions. That led to the definitions of two new kernel
calls: <b>await()</b> and <b>capac()</b>.</i>

The semantics of <b>await()</b> were simple - it was like a "sleep" call but you
could specify to be awakened when one or more of a set of I/O channels
had changed.   For input, that meant there was some data ready to be
read.  For output, that meant that there was some buffer space available
to write data.  In essence it was a forerunner of the modern <b>select()</b>
system call. The complementary <b>capac()</b> system call
allowed a process to determine exactly how much data could be read or
written without blocking.

In the words of Jack Haverty: <i>
With these two functions, it was possible to implement the TCP stack as a daemon
process.  From our ARPANET experience, these were the minimum
functions needed to enable Unix to be used in network environments.
They weren't the ideal API, but they would fit in the 11/40.</i>

<h4>First TCP on Unix</h4>

Although it was an implementation of TCP2.5 and not the later TCP4,
this implementation was probably the first TCP on Unix. Again in the
words of Jack Haverty:

<i>My old yellowed lab notebooks have been aging in the basement but
they're still readable.  Some salient entries:

July 27, 1977: "got TCP11 Unix version to assemble"
September 16, 1977: "TCP and Al Spector's TCP can talk fine"

So, if you're curious about when "the first Unix TCP" was created, I'd
set September 16, 1977 as the date.   That's when my 11/40 TCP first
successfully communicated with a TCP on a different machine (an LSI-11).
Al Spector was one of the engineers working on that LSI-11 component.

This was a time of rapid change in the TCP world, and as we (the handful
of people who did those first TCP implementations) gained experience, we
changed the TCP protocol and progressed through TCP 2.5, 2.5+,
2.5+epsilon, and eventually TCP 4 (which is still largely what we have
in 2016).  I maintained this TCP implementation to track those modifications
until March 1979.</i>

<h4>Performance issues</h4>

Jack soon discovered that the performance of this implementation left
to be desired. In initial trials it could achieve 11 bits per second. The
main cause for this was the lack of core memory which meant that system
was constantly swapping buffers and programs to disk. The relatively
low speed of the RK05 drive did not help.

As clients programs and the daemon alternated to run, they tended to
push each other out of core to the disk swap area. A second source of
inefficiency was that pipes and ports were implemented as a specialization
of standard, unnamed files. When disk buffer space ran out, the pending
data in a pipe or port was written out to disk and read back as needed.
This second issue was mitigated by reducing the capacity of pipes and
ports and protecting their buffers from being written out.

On the later and larger PDP-11's these issues were less prominent: more
main memory meant that the daemon and clients could stay resident in
core most of the time, and there was a more generous pool of disk buffers


The Defense Communications Engineering Center (DCEC) was tasked
with bringing research projects into production where appropriate and it
needed a usable TCP implementation for V6/V7 Unix. The BBN-Haverty
implementation looked like a reasonable start for this.

Ed Cain, who was a manager at DCEC, initiated a project to build  a TCP4
stack for V6/V7 Unix on the larger PDP11 machines with split I/D capability
and more memory. This became the [/wiki?name=wingfield|BBN-Wingfield]
implementation, later maintained by DCEC itself until the mid eighties.

Jack Haverty had kept Vint Cerf aware of his experiences and
convinced him of the need to get a "real" Unix TCP implementation for the
newer, more capable 32-bit machines.  User-level TCP worked, but it really
should be integrated into the kernel, which could be done with the newer

As a result, DARPA gave BBN a contract for an all new TCP implementation
for 4.x BSD. This yielded the [/wiki?name=gurwitz|BBN-Gurwitz] implementation.

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