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Check-ins with non-propagating tags:
| ||
18:35 | add vm-debian to network notes check-in: 69bf247398 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, network | |
| ||
11:12 | wezterm: ctrl+shift+k to clear terminal check-in: 53cf33e489 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, wezterm | |
| ||
02:25 | a72-feed: exclude header line; update link to generated feed URL check-in: 7ceb1973ed user: patmaddox tags: trunk, src/a72-feed | |
| ||
07:37 | picklog: performance and reliability - stop processing when iterator hits merge base - test that merges only show first parent - show 12 characters hash check-in: 5dd450bb86 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, git, lang/go, src/logpick | |
05:05 | picklog: tool to show commits that have been cherry-picked across branches check-in: 2c70155889 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, git, lang/go, src/picklog | |
| ||
11:16 | sync-pw: tool to sync user and group info across trees check-in: c9d87375fe user: patmaddox tags: trunk, lang/sh, src/sync-pw | |
07:05 | check out fossil trees and partial trees check-in: b8dea149ed user: patmaddox tags: trunk, fossil, lang/sh, src/ | |
| ||
21:00 | wip: explicitly set .CURDIR since OBJDIR messes with it check-in: 6b06d9c5d2 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, fossil, make | |
20:54 | network: add builder info check-in: fa8ac0e1a8 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, network | |
20:45 | infra/builder: notes on bootstrapping a CURRENT poudriere builder - clone source and build it - construct boot image with makefs and mkimg - run it in bhyve - install earlier ABI packages check-in: cdf7454cb5 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, infra, freebsd/poudriere, freebsd/current | |
07:19 | ports: remove a bunch of ports I no longer care about check-in: 8d6863309c user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd/ports | |
07:12 | ports: export current list of leaves per system, not an ever-growing list check-in: 8bf697c1f8 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd/ports | |
02:39 | ports: a script to merge leaf origins check-in: a5811b197f user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd/ports | |
| ||
12:14 | update network notes for new prefix check-in: 2010b9f4a8 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, network | |
06:00 | network notes check-in: bdc6b0970c user: patmaddox tags: trunk, network | |
| ||
01:10 | emacs: enable consult-org check-in: a249db6fa0 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
01:00 | emacs: enable consult-imenu check-in: a959a2c3f3 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
| ||
17:08 | emacs: start with no window by default check-in: b5bdfa5000 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
| ||
10:17 | use wezterm as default terminal check-in: a829d8f898 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, X | |
06:40 | emacs: set socket name to make emacsclient work check-in: bd9266e921 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
| ||
09:46 | script to adjust brightness check-in: 95ed4acfa6 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, bin, laptop | |
01:26 | pdt todo check-in: 23d0b60de2 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, todo, bin/pdt | |
01:17 | more todo check-in: 808fe9b06b user: patmaddox tags: trunk, todo | |
01:17 | emacs: ignore some dirs; add buttercup dependency check-in: 35db25835c user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
01:16 | ignore some dirs check-in: a33b82bb53 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, fossil | |
| ||
21:34 | add todo file check-in: 2c3b269d94 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, org, todo | |
06:26 | emacs: add lua-mode check-in: 3d798f7dc7 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
| ||
22:59 | elixir mix task to set up postgres check-in: 1d5bddf008 user: patmaddox tags: lang/elixir, ref | |
| ||
10:49 | build pkgbase with a timestamp otherwise it creates files in the future, and ports will not build because files are considered current check-in: 992a5a6b5c user: patmaddox tags: infra, freebsd/pkgbase | |
10:16 | build pkgbase; poudriere check-in: fedbc8cdd2 user: patmaddox tags: script, infra, freebsd/ports, freebsd/poudriere | |
| ||
07:13 | script to manage bhyve instance check-in: a69ec5753f user: patmaddox tags: script, infra, freebsd/bhyve | |
07:12 | script to build freebsd src check-in: 9d544383bb user: patmaddox tags: freebsd, script, infra | |
07:11 | fix up makefile target dependencies check-in: a5e4552122 user: patmaddox tags: freebsd, make, infra | |
| ||
03:00 | emacs: patmaddox-compile is interactive check-in: c1e9c37690 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
02:27 | emacs: touch project dir when switching projects, so it sorts to top of list with vertico check-in: f71d832789 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
02:15 | emacs: better project handling - sort project files by modified time - ignore certain files and dirs I never want to see check-in: 898de54f62 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
02:00 | emacs: configure a project switcher check-in: 720af10b07 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
01:30 | emacs: use-package patmaddox check-in: 3e31051c01 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
| ||
23:46 | emacs: vertico sort files by mtime check-in: 4ccfd55044 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
22:27 | emacs: set warning level higher check-in: 23987cfcdb user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
22:25 | emacs: pin denote to release tag check-in: 03bd1f6061 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
22:23 | emacs: set warning level higher Closed-Leaf check-in: 11bbd2cedc user: patmaddox tags: mistaek, emacs | |
18:18 | emacs: orderless everywhere check-in: da5d163a7d user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
18:09 | emacs: compile emacs-lisp files on save check-in: 5935023844 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
17:49 | emacs: extract byte compiling to my own package check-in: 63a40ea8c7 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
09:39 | emacs: byte-compile packages - do not use use-package :load-path anymore - it was not letting me byte-compile check-in: 8925f79976 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
06:54 | emacs: keep the vertico list consistent check-in: 5118a7353a user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
06:50 | fossil: add a dev branch for searching branches check-in: fee06a043d user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, fossil | |
06:50 | emacs: enable vertico-directory for ido-like directory navigation - also configure optional lisp dir check-in: 9f7e2dab78 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
06:21 | another fossil feature request check-in: f864b5e087 user: patmaddox tags: fossil, notes, ref | |
04:15 | oss: Makefile to fetch fossil source and check out branches check-in: cc00cbabac user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, fossil | |
03:55 | fossil mime types request check-in: 18899dddcb user: patmaddox tags: fossil, notes, ref | |
03:47 | fossil feature requests check-in: 72ebae8e85 user: patmaddox tags: fossil, notes, ref | |
03:38 | more man notes check-in: dd6b44c65c user: patmaddox tags: man, notes, ref | |
03:25 | notes: freebsd man pages check-in: eafd70f745 user: patmaddox tags: man, notes, ref | |
01:29 | emacs: configure xclip load path with use-package check-in: d52d57a97a user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
01:26 | emacs: use-package everything check-in: cecc2ecc51 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
01:17 | emacs: move package config into use-package declarations check-in: 469bbba2bc user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
| ||
19:10 | emacs: do not resize vertico check-in: 79a5211362 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
11:12 | emacs: add consult check-in: 4637b2d910 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
10:29 | emacs: add marginalia check-in: f09c37ad27 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
10:20 | emacs: add orderless check-in: 067666e0e9 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
09:44 | emacs: replace ido with vertico check-in: 952f899d25 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
08:13 | emacs: ido everywhere - for real this time (using ido-completing-read+) check-in: 0122119f21 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
07:10 | emacs: ido-everywhere; ignore case when completing file names check-in: b1fe36aece user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
06:33 | emacs: replace elixir-mode with elixir-ts-mode; configure elixir-ls check-in: 1da5621856 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs, lang/elixir | |
05:55 | emacs: yasnippet check-in: 77ae8d39ee user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
05:20 | emacs: programming conveniences - insert parens - show parens - mix format when saving elixir files check-in: 03d7234aed user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs, lang/elixir | |
04:58 | emacs: customize ido - show items vertically - sort files by mtime check-in: 03e37d3d59 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
04:38 | emacs: ido can show files ending in .git I use these as my OSS repo convention check-in: 403d3338ab user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
04:14 | emacs: error on invalid dir check-in: 2099e2996d user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
03:51 | emacs: use oss/Mk/ to fetch repos; load packages from them check-in: ac6fe28a5d user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs, make | |
03:50 | oss: fetch-all also fetches the main src dir check-in: 0cae96ee39 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss | |
| ||
21:09 | emacs: add transient - a package required by magit check-in: 046795173a user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
| ||
17:05 | emacsd: do not create a frame or wait on exit - now using terminal version check-in: 90d9bec967 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
| ||
03:42 | fossil-status: script to show status of all checkouts in current repo check-in: dac44c7309 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, fossil, script, lang/sh, lang/awk | |
00:49 | emacs: use package.el, but fetch the code myself - .emacs.d/packages/ - fetch packages from github - add zig-mode check-in: 54040f9279 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs, make | |
| ||
20:01 | emacs: lock straight.el package versions Closed-Leaf check-in: 79ed2aef5e user: patmaddox tags: mistaek, emacs | |
19:53 | emacs: use straight.el instead of package.el check-in: 0dc4576753 user: patmaddox tags: mistaek, emacs | |
10:47 | emacs: replace custom-built package manager with use-package check-in: 886b4f99a3 user: patmaddox tags: mistaek, emacs | |
08:10 | emacs: make all packages check-in: 27452471cf user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs, make | |
07:55 | emacs: makefile-based package manager - packages/ - framework to configure packages - dash - denote - elixir-mode - go-mode - magit - markdown-mode - ox-gfm - org-mode GFM exporter - rust-mode - with-editor - xclip - yaml-mode - autoload packages and set hooks check-in: e0e870e746 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs, make | |
| ||
15:12 | update prism skin - add languages and plugins; document check-in: 997b1a7e3c user: patmaddox tags: trunk, fossil, site/ | |
| ||
18:25 | research: configuring shell scripts check-in: 949ea3abc3 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, lang/sh, research | |
18:07 | ports: fix package building, set default zroot check-in: 656006df9d user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd/ports, freebsd/poudriere | |
08:28 | fossil: - hello world CGI extension check-in: e6fed1499b user: patmaddox tags: trunk, fossil, cgi | |
08:03 | fossil: render asciidoc TOC in an embedded HTML file check-in: 71bf371a08 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, fossil, asciidoc | |
07:44 | fossil: asciidoc in fossil example - convert from asciidoc to HTML and check it in check-in: a7f60b3cc9 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, fossil, asciidoc | |
06:16 | gauntlet: simple rust cp check-in: eedff071e9 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, lang/rust, gauntlet | |
05:58 | gauntlet: simple zig cp check-in: db8077fdda user: patmaddox tags: trunk, lang/zig, gauntlet | |
04:20 | gauntlet/freebsd: implementing tools to pass the FreeBSD test suite - download FreeBSD src - install test files to local build directory - run tests check-in: fe9159b7b4 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd, gauntlet | |
03:58 | gauntlet: fetch FreeBSD source code and install cp test check-in: 05f1ad751e user: patmaddox tags: freebsd, gauntlet | |
| ||
03:50 | infra: copy data files from previous boot env; receive full stream check-in: 5d371616ee user: patmaddox tags: trunk, infra, freebsd/jail, freebsd/zfs | |
| ||
22:59 | infra: make infrastructure using poudriere and make - poudriere: ports tree and jail config - image: build a ZFS boot env image using poudriere - host: configure and manage jails check-in: a54a028477 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, infra, freebsd/jail, freebsd/zfs | |
22:46 | infra: extract generic stuff to make includes Closed-Leaf check-in: 3937e54fd6 user: patmaddox tags: make, infra, mkinfra | |
22:11 | infra: ensure nothing else is already mounted check-in: b9db9a7231 user: patmaddox tags: infra, freebsd/jail, mkinfra | |
21:38 | infra: mounting a dataset is idempotent; configure networking check-in: 8123d54064 user: patmaddox tags: infra, mkinfra | |
20:59 | infra: mount and unmount boot environments check-in: 9c2e9de239 user: patmaddox tags: infra, freebsd/zfs, mkinfra | |
20:51 | infra: commands to list boot environments and images check-in: 9d5f24ce82 user: patmaddox tags: infra, freebsd/zfs, mkinfra | |
20:45 | infra: import a boot env check-in: eabb3efa8f user: patmaddox tags: infra, freebsd/zfs, mkinfra | |
20:25 | infra: ensure bootenv is not mounted before copying config check-in: 1584d6c2ea user: patmaddox tags: infra, freebsd/zfs, mkinfra | |
20:17 | infra: define a tmux-test host and configure it check-in: 0ac32bda79 user: patmaddox tags: infra, freebsd/zfs, mkinfra | |
19:15 | poudriere: document need for pre-script check-in: 4869d79077 user: patmaddox tags: freebsd/poudriere, mkinfra | |
19:09 | poudriere: build a ZFS boot environment check-in: e49c2b1513 user: patmaddox tags: freebsd/poudriere, mkinfra | |
19:06 | poudriere: symlink latest boot env check-in: 968456dd0a user: patmaddox tags: freebsd/poudriere, mkinfra | |
12:04 | poudriere: timestamp snapshot and image names check-in: cd55ced44c user: patmaddox tags: freebsd/poudriere, mkinfra | |
11:50 | infra: Makefile to build an image check-in: 70b8ec419a user: patmaddox tags: infra, freebsd/poudriere, mkinfra | |
11:23 | ports: Makefile to make a jail check-in: 48f8cb0829 user: patmaddox tags: freebsd/ports, freebsd/poudriere, mkinfra | |
11:15 | ports: a Makefile to clone git repo and make a poudriere tree check-in: daafff805d user: patmaddox tags: freebsd/ports, freebsd/poudriere, mkinfra | |
| ||
06:45 | backup: add some more files to backup check-in: 58be1cc05b user: patmaddox tags: trunk, backup | |
06:28 | backup: add to syncoid snapshots to check-in: 41d0f3da34 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, backup | |
03:09 | emacs: set font size on beastie check-in: 6b8ed6d95b user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
| ||
09:06 | fossil: ignore _build/* at top level, and do not warn if it is set at repo level Making new checkouts with --empty do not use the ignore setting. This lets me set the ignore-glob at repo level, so empty checkouts ignore the files. check-in: bddfd48fca user: patmaddox tags: trunk, fossil | |
| ||
09:57 | rowdy: give the subnets access to their gateway check-in: 8eed57d232 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd/pf, infra/rowdy | |
09:37 | rowdy: add entry for pf.conf to permit non-local traffic check-in: 97a97e43b3 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd/pf, infra/rowdy | |
08:04 | rowdy: main config files check-in: 2674e1b9d8 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd/pf, infra/rowdy | |
| ||
16:55 | haproxy.conf check-in: f647c630fa user: patmaddox tags: trunk, infra, site/ | |
16:54 | Makefile to update certs check-in: 414ae8d0c9 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, infra, site/ | |
| ||
21:58 | oss: add mimesis python library check-in: 770a265e00 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, lang/python | |
21:58 | git-tidy: script to delete merged branches and associated workspaces check-in: 72c6cfb44b user: patmaddox tags: trunk, git, bin | |
| ||
22:45 | jlprep: configure a jail on startup check-in: 510168b52d user: patmaddox tags: trunk, bin, freebsd/jail | |
| ||
20:36 | infra/gulliver: configure resolv.conf and pkg repo check-in: 2d24d23bc1 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, infra, infra/gulliver | |
20:36 | infra: chroot install packages; use a shared pkg cache dir - Packages run install scripts that might not respect the -r setting. chroot so that those packages install cleanly. This is effectively the same technique poudriere uses (I think). - nullmount a pkg cache dir so that it does not have fetch packages each time. check-in: c8e86975aa user: patmaddox tags: trunk, infra, freebsd/pkgbase | |
19:41 | infra: simplify pkgbase installation process; bugfixes - install all packages from pkgbase - no real reason to exclude certain packages - check that files exist before copying them - create missing groups check-in: d2d5e3c3ad user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd, infra | |
10:15 | freebsd-src: add help output to Makefile check-in: c692012f58 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, make, freebsd/src, devenv | |
10:14 | oss: use relative paths in Makefile Other targets assume relative paths, and ${.CURDIR} was throwing them off check-in: a4e541e21f user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, git, devenv | |
10:12 | oss: use relative paths in Makefile Other targets assume relative paths, and ${.CURDIR} was throwing them off Closed-Leaf check-in: 79a7ce3414 user: patmaddox tags: mistaek, oss, git, devenv | |
09:52 | emacs: bump up font on gulliver check-in: 5e494d8c0a user: patmaddox tags: trunk, laptop, emacs | |
06:19 | fossil-retag: retag fossil commits from <old-tag> to <new-tag> check-in: f6b922f9af user: patmaddox tags: trunk, bin, fossil | |
06:18 | fossil-filter-ids: filter commit IDs out of standard output check-in: a90815b481 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, bin, fossil | |
05:51 | fossil-untagged: list trunk commits that are not tagged check-in: 95f5b61ffe user: patmaddox tags: trunk, bin, fossil | |
04:13 | experimenting with IPC and unix domain sockets Closed-Leaf check-in: b5cd0baf6c user: patmaddox tags: ipc-unix-domain-sockets, draft | |
03:55 | experimenting with zfs on local files Closed-Leaf check-in: f154c19a85 user: patmaddox tags: zfs-on-local-files, draft | |
03:52 | experimenting with partially privileged daemons in rust and go Closed-Leaf check-in: c4dda8741d user: patmaddox tags: partially-privileged-daemons, draft | |
03:50 | experimenting with pipes between forked processes in C Closed-Leaf check-in: 2ab5365937 user: patmaddox tags: fork-pipes-in-c, draft | |
02:29 | src is BSD 2-clause licensed check-in: 0426711808 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, license | |
02:28 | example makefile config to build BSD programs check-in: 585c77976d user: patmaddox tags: trunk, example, freebsd, make | |
02:27 | git: configure ratio a bit differently check-in: 2c2c249bed user: patmaddox tags: trunk, git, config, devenv | |
02:23 | www: redirect HTML pages check-in: 42ace2a019 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, site/ | |
02:21 | article: why monorepo check-in: d974ee4d49 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, writing, fossil, devenv | |
02:21 | article: what I like about fossil check-in: 29eab19d6f user: patmaddox tags: trunk, writing, fossil | |
02:17 | list open source contributions check-in: a6b412fe25 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss | |
02:15 | note: xfce4 suspend and resume menu - lock display on suspend check-in: 9e4ec88e7f user: patmaddox tags: trunk, laptop, freebsd, notes | |
02:15 | note: FreeBSD zfs on root on GCP and AWS with poudriere check-in: 9ed1e56a8e user: patmaddox tags: trunk, infra, freebsd/zfs, freebsd/poudriere, infra/aws, infra/gcp, notes | |
02:15 | note: swap caps lock and control in FreeBSD check-in: 58126cbb65 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd, term, notes | |
02:14 | note: disable SSH agent in xfce4 check-in: b7aca2e12b user: patmaddox tags: trunk, X, ssh, notes | |
02:14 | note: adding freebsd packages check-in: f97c9ea7fc user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd/pkg, notes | |
02:13 | article: lenovo t14 gen 2 amd - a fine laptop for FreeBSD check-in: e291a75599 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, writing, laptop, freebsd | |
02:12 | www: prism.js code highlighter check-in: ec2488109c user: patmaddox tags: trunk, www, site/ | |
02:12 | www: home page check-in: cb0209fb64 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, www, site/ | |
02:07 | zfs-on-root: tooling to build it check-in: 81d60b5d54 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, make, infra, freebsd/zfs, freebsd/poudriere | |
02:06 | zfs-on-root: GCE config check-in: d486c17793 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd/zfs, infra/gce | |
02:06 | zfs-on-root: EC2 config check-in: 69e8f6e266 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd/zfs, infra/ec2 | |
02:05 | pile of files experiment check-in: dacc8f918f user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, testing | |
02:04 | password-trainer: import check-in: c643afc333 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, bin, lang/crystal | |
02:03 | archie: script to log in to archie jail check-in: e3b702a2b4 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, bin, freebsd/jail, ratio, devenv | |
02:02 | experimenting with jail proxy check-in: e62608f068 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, network, freebsd/jail | |
02:01 | experimenting with jail networking check-in: b075ba997f user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, network, freebsd/jail | |
01:59 | experimenting with a simple inventory program in crystal check-in: db996e7b7f user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, lang/crystal | |
01:56 | code gauntlet experiment check-in: 548944d204 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment | |
01:54 | freebsd hackers handbook check-in: d91fa5b08f user: patmaddox tags: trunk, writing, freebsd | |
01:50 | article: programming freebsd - reading process information check-in: 5954fe2b11 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, writing, freebsd | |
01:49 | article: sh relative shell script includes with realpath on freebsd check-in: 586be0dd95 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, writing, freebsd, lang/sh | |
01:46 | frank: branch combination experiment check-in: 5c10b5b558 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, git | |
01:45 | fossil skin check-in: 8b427d8ee6 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, fossil, site/ | |
01:41 | ffi-adventure: mem leak in Go check-in: 98b1d75395 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/go | |
01:41 | ffi-adventure: concurrency Makefile to build and run everything check-in: 7ab1f5363a user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, make, concurrency | |
01:41 | ffi-adventure: concurrency in Pony check-in: 97e85ba60f user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/pony, concurrency | |
01:40 | ffi-adventure: concurrency in Go check-in: 8e7b1469e7 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/go, concurrency | |
01:40 | ffi-adventure: concurrency in C check-in: 0d5fc94ee6 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/c, concurrency | |
01:40 | ffi-adventure: libucl test runner check-in: 43fb81af75 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, testing, libucl, ucl | |
01:40 | ffi-adventure: libucl in Zig check-in: 50beaac3db user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/zig, libucl, ucl | |
01:39 | ffi-adventure: libucl in Go check-in: da9ac4de88 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/go, libucl, ucl | |
01:39 | ffi-adventure: libucl in C++ check-in: 77dabe9b57 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/c++, libucl, ucl | |
01:39 | ffi-adventure: libucl in C check-in: 080ca6fe4e user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/c, libucl, ucl | |
01:38 | ffi-adventure: libucl using uclcmd check-in: 946b85ca00 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, libucl, ucl | |
01:37 | ffi-adventure: upcase Makefile to build and run everything check-in: 5c0f086060 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, make | |
01:37 | ffi-adventure: upcase in V check-in: 92c06587ba user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/v | |
01:37 | ffi-adventure: upcase in Rust check-in: c6add9ee35 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/rust | |
01:36 | ffi-adventure: upcase in Pony check-in: 2c84b57a22 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/pony | |
01:36 | ffi-adventure: upcase in Nim check-in: ff85745788 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/nim | |
01:35 | ffi-adventure: upcase in Go check-in: e216029a31 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/go | |
01:35 | ffi-adventure: upcase in D check-in: 3a1e074749 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/d | |
01:35 | ffi-adventure: upcase in Crystal check-in: 1be9132da3 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/crystal | |
01:35 | ffi-adventure: upcase in C check-in: e779e1573f user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/c | |
01:34 | ffi-adventure: hello world Makefile to build and run everything check-in: 756aa35e9c user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, make | |
01:34 | ffi-adventure: hello world in zig check-in: f7537e3fba user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/zig | |
01:34 | ffi-adventure: hello world in V check-in: c7a347c849 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/v | |
01:34 | ffi-adventure: hello world in Rust check-in: 96f181b6a9 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/rust | |
01:34 | ffi-adventure: hello world in Pony check-in: ab4443a0b1 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/pony | |
01:33 | ffi-adventure: hello world in Nim check-in: b5be7d5e11 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/nim | |
01:33 | ffi-adventure: hello world in Go check-in: 1fc849091c user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/go | |
01:33 | ffi-adventure: hello world in Elixir check-in: baa4e2f854 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/elixir | |
01:32 | ffi-adventure: hello world in D check-in: fa36983360 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/d | |
01:32 | ffi-adventure: hello world in Crystal check-in: 2c9a3c90e5 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, ffi, lang/crystal | |
01:32 | ffi-adventure: hello world in C++ check-in: 02944bbdd9 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, ffi, lang/c++ | |
01:32 | ffi-adventure: hello world in C check-in: a07d49e26d user: patmaddox tags: trunk, ffi, lang/c | |
01:31 | ffi-adventure: README check-in: af7e16b4d5 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, ffi, doc | |
01:25 | experimenting with a benign rootkit example check-in: 503017d361 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, freebsd, security | |
01:24 | elixir benchmark experiment check-in: 1a812a2e2c user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, lang/elixir | |
01:23 | C experiments check-in: f5767479e1 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, lang/c | |
01:17 | a72-feed: initial import check-in: 3a0baf334b user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, a72 | |
01:15 | experimenting with valgrind in multiple languages check-in: 4d931161b1 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, lang/crystal, lang/go, lang/rust, lang/c, lang/d, bin/valgrind | |
01:13 | example of enum- and class-based pattern matching in Crystal check-in: be579f0fbb user: patmaddox tags: trunk, example, lang/crystal | |
00:58 | oss: AWS provider for terraform check-in: fd20ac9780 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, tf, aws | |
00:57 | oss: snowflake connector for python check-in: d7e7b20038 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, lang/python, db/snowflake | |
00:55 | oss: shtk - shell toolkit check-in: a020ad9e05 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, testing, lang/sh | |
00:55 | freebsd-src: initial import config check-in: 16324f3bfc user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, freebsd/src | |
00:54 | ports: import freebsd ports config check-in: 3a33be6d44 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, freebsd/ports | |
00:52 | oss: fast CDC algorithm implemented in Rust check-in: 3bb4b877ea user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, lang/rust | |
00:52 | oss: fast CDC algorithm implemented in Go check-in: 0ee8e5882b user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, lang/go | |
00:51 | oss: apache arrow check-in: fae68f5044 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss | |
00:50 | oss: include file for git-based projects check-in: d17de0db9c user: patmaddox tags: trunk, oss, git | |
00:48 | experiment to construct jails with make check-in: 5ce30dd6ef user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, make, freebsd/jail | |
00:47 | infra: initial config check-in: 1ae65e4d88 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, infra, site/ | |
00:46 | infra: initial gulliver config check-in: b8c39fc7ed user: patmaddox tags: trunk, laptop, infra | |
00:46 | infra: base makefile to include when building machine images check-in: 960e3c640f user: patmaddox tags: trunk, make, infra | |
00:43 | experiment testing out vale virtual network switch check-in: 0c1b785679 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, freebsd, network | |
00:42 | experiment comparing man page authoring tools / converters check-in: 13e918e321 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, man | |
00:38 | experimenting with dynamic make check-in: bc2d1cbf57 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, make | |
00:36 | example of duckdb joining tables across databases check-in: 1c6c42c411 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, example, db/duckdb | |
00:35 | bhyve experiment check-in: df04155493 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, experiment, freebsd/bhyve | |
00:32 | pkg-create example check-in: 4fa0f59e22 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, example, freebsd/pkg | |
00:30 | script to delete phabricator flags check-in: a937037be7 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, freebsd, script | |
00:27 | example jail application in C check-in: b158aba279 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, example, freebsd/jail | |
00:25 | example pf.conf check-in: cee6a53b97 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, example, freebsd/pf | |
00:24 | example jail.conf check-in: 71960dd054 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, example, freebsd/jail | |
00:22 | pubkeys: initial import of my public keys check-in: 4402f30767 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, ssh, config | |
00:19 | timestamp: utility to produce a timestamp down to the second check-in: bc3d7a4f55 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, bin | |
00:19 | ssh-agentd: ssh-agent daemon manager check-in: 4eef83fec8 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, ssh, daemon | |
00:18 | sort-in-place check-in: 40cc038859 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, bin | |
00:17 | nap: display lock screen and suspend check-in: 0cf66864c1 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, bin, laptop | |
00:16 | emacs: daemon manager check-in: a021b56d5b user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs, daemon | |
00:14 | batt: utility to print battery status check-in: f6db0720f0 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, bin, laptop | |
00:13 | initial import check-in: 2c35e083e7 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, bin, backup | |
00:12 | home: README check-in: 40470e5f2f user: patmaddox tags: trunk, home, doc | |
00:12 | home: add LICENSE check-in: 0d1aaff92e user: patmaddox tags: trunk, home, license | |
00:03 | X: initial config check-in: 5a50e0a0b4 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, home, X | |
00:01 | tf: initial config Direct reference to hashicorp/aws so I can use a locally-built version check-in: 25c09858a2 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, tf | |
| ||
23:59 | home: initial .shrc check-in: 9e9317a8dd user: patmaddox tags: trunk, home, lang/sh | |
23:58 | home: initial .profile check-in: b9c47f5699 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, home | |
23:57 | home: initial mail conf check-in: dbd52af6f3 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, home | |
23:53 | home: initial login config check-in: 823fda6a6a user: patmaddox tags: trunk, home | |
23:51 | git: initial git config check-in: 520c6a3e10 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, git, config | |
23:48 | emacs: initial config check-in: 772566cc6d user: patmaddox tags: trunk, emacs | |
23:47 | i3: initial config check-in: 4edf75fada user: patmaddox tags: trunk, i3, X | |
23:45 | fossil: ignore files check-in: ef9284c1c9 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, fossil | |
23:42 | fossil: include dotfiles by default check-in: 9ba92091a0 user: patmaddox tags: trunk, fossil | |