Artifact [ecfb9e6b3a]

Artifact ecfb9e6b3a5f00f7a4227bbd655a8bf44bf48bdc:

Wiki page [MorphicEdges] by user 2013-09-29 19:55:42.
D 2013-09-29T19:55:42.673
L MorphicEdges
P 3530d4935712d6e7353eafd02fc2fc28aa4a0ddc
U user
W 515
<h1>Morphological edges detection</h1>

Edges can be detected also with morphological operations. Edge := IMG0 &lt;sub&gt; ERODE(IMG0). SUB - is substraction/complements, see [BinaryOperations|Binary Operations] or [|Set operations on Wikipedia]. Input image and result of morphological edge detection:

Original image:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/boo.jpg" width="10%"/>
Output image:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/morphedge.jpg" width="10%"/>
Z 5fc33dc2ccdc7302f3de678ecc1b84c4