Artifact [c5e4b4d215]

Artifact c5e4b4d2154aac78308e0885d79b41a423461134:

Wiki page [Dithering] by user 2014-02-02 19:20:18.
D 2014-02-02T19:20:18.002
L Dithering
P d243e654ba862361987e2aceed167057698280da
U user
W 1944

Dithering is the algorithm for preparing of image to black-white printing (old newspapers, old books) or for old displays systems. Here is 2 different implementations: general purpose with using of matrixes defined in imsh.scm library and special dithering algorithms.
Original image:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/stalin.jpg"/>
See results for Atkinson, Floyd-Steinberg, Ordered, Random, General Sierra, General Sierra Two Rows, General Sierra Low, General Floyd-Steinberg, General False Floyd-Steinberg, General Jarvis, General Stucki, General Atkinson, General Burkes:<br/><br/>

Output image for <b>Atkinson</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dith_atkinson.jpg"/>

Output image for <b>Floyd-Steiberg</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dith_floyd.jpg"/>

Output image for <b>Ordered</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dith_ordered.jpg"/>

Output image for <b>Random</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dith_random.jpg"/>

Output image for <b>general Sierra</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dithgen_sierra.jpg"/>

Output image for <b>general Sierra Two Rows</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dithgen_sierra2.jpg"/>

Output image for <b>general Sierra Low</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dithgen_sierralow.jpg"/>

Output image for <b>general Floyd-Steinberg</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dithgen_floyd.jpg"/>

Output image for <b>general False Floyd-Steinberg</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dithgen_falsefloyd.jpg"/>

Output image for <b>general Jarvis</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dithgen_jarvis.jpg"/>

Output image for <b>general Stucki</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dithgen_stucki.jpg"/>

Output image for <b>general Atkinson</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dithgen_atkinson.jpg"/>

Output image for <b>general Burkes</b>:<br/>
<img src="/doc/tip/out/dithgen_burkes.jpg"/>
Z 3763399e1320d807e995e2bcd89cb817