Artifact [4b7ef1d8e6]

Artifact 4b7ef1d8e69faffe41c659336f1386728cf5b044:

Wiki page [Yet another bash framework] by opsaopsa 2016-08-29 15:06:49.
D 2016-08-29T15:06:49.542
L Yet\sanother\sbash\sframework
P dc8e563ecf0783eca8732bd44b42bb8ec50a8165
U opsaopsa
W 679
It's bash framework. It is using for personal purposes. It contains some useful functions for:

  *  array
  *  constant
  *  decor 
  *  dir
  *  exception
  *  file
  *  hash
  *  log
  *  numeric
  *  process
  *  string
  *  time
  *  utils
  *  variable

and a few else. 

It was influenced from:

  *  [|skull]
  *  [|Doxygen filter for bash]
  *  [ | Boilerplate Shell Script Template]
  *  [| Bash 3 Boilerplate]

The vlkbf also contains <b>html</b> directory with documentation.
Z bde44a6d4533ccdf8170df070af7a83b