D 2012-03-05T15:08:10.535 L Bloat\smeasurement P dd7577a0c0b291aac99dc933e91b60de68220ce8 U onys W 1356 There are many way to measure bloat e.g. by number of code lines. I think that other good way is to check command line options: ls --help | awk '/Usage:/ {name = $2} /^ +-/ {i++ } END {print name ": " i}' You can find attached AWK script, which checks almost all GNU coreutils, example output on CentOS 5.7: Name of command and number of command line options: cat: 12 tac: 5 nl: 13 od: 20 base64: 5 fmt: 8 pr: 27 fold: 6 head: 6 tail: 13 split: 8 csplit: 8 wc: 7 sum: 4 cksum: 2 md5sum: 7 sha1sum: 7 sort: 20 uniq: 10 comm: 5 ptx: 20 tsort: 2 cut: 11 paste: 4 join: 11 tr: 6 expand: 5 unexpand: 6 ls: 59 dir: 59 vdir: 59 dircolors: 5 cp: 30 dd: 2 install: 19 mv: 12 rm: 8 shred: 9 mkdir: 6 rmdir: 5 unlink: 2 mkfifo: 4 mknod: 4 ln: 13 link: 2 readlink: 9 df: 16 du: 28 stat: 8 sync: 2 yes: 2 expr: 2 tee: 4 dirname: 2 basename: 2 pathchk: 5 stty: 18 printenv: 2 tty: 3 id: 9 logname: 2 whoami: 2 /usr/bin/groups: 2 users: 2 who: 18 date: 10 uname: 11 hostid: 2 chcon: 12 runcon: 7 env: 4 nice: 3 nohup: 2 su: 9 sleep: 2 factor: 2 seq: 5 Number of commands: 77 Total number of options: 763 without counting --version and --help: 609 Average per command: 9.90909 without counting --version and --help: 7.90909 Z f01bb77e7c6ab300a6cebb917849b6ff