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8 events for the month beginning 2012-04-01 by user viriketo

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Merging from trunk.

I solved some conflicts on the report for merges (cherrypick/...), adding some comments, and adopted the trunk solution to unchanged checkin messages. check-in: 40debe4782 user: viriketo tags: annotate_links

Fix a comment in my previous commit. check-in: 515e7fa0c8 user: viriketo tags: annotate_links
I change the branch colour algorithm, for another one I can understand better. No HSV magic; simply few combinations of RGB values based on hash. This algorithm should give either different or equal colours, and not similar colours.

This way I think the hash differences are more likely to give different colours.

I had the feeling that we were get... check-in: 243d99d128 user: viriketo tags: annotate_links

Made 'fossil commit' detect if the editor changed the file. If the editor did not change the file, ask confirmation, as if it was an empty comment.

I think svn behaves this way. check-in: d2a733beda user: viriketo tags: annotate_links

Allowing partial commit for merges not adding a parent to the checkin. check-in: a610b2567f user: viriketo tags: annotate_links
I make 'merge --baseline' not introduce a new parent in the merge checkin. I think it should behave like --cherrypick. check-in: ba402f33b2 user: viriketo tags: annotate_links
Updating from trunk to get the latest trunk fixes. check-in: b7f3a32d4e user: viriketo tags: annotate_links
Fixing a jump on uninitialized data on web sbs diff. Noticed after having seen text file corruption in the web SBS, and traced by valgrind. check-in: 92b2a5c390 user: viriketo tags: annotate_links
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