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About branch andygoth-enhanced-symlink

It's been a few years since I've looked at it, so pardon me if I misremember the details.

The purpose of this branch is to expose handling of symlinks on platforms that don't have native symlinks. I absolutely needed this capability because my cross-platform project made heavy use of symlinks. In my project I created my own implementation of symlinks. On Windows, my build scripts would read the symlink list files and know to treat them as such, even though literally reading them actually just gives the name of their target. This worked very well for me.

What I didn't want to have to do was directly check in the symlink list files, which I was generating on Linux by searching the directory tree for actual symlinks. I wanted Fossil to automatically generate the symlink list in the same manner it generated the other manifest files. Furthermore, Fossil had an option to configure which manifest files were being generated, so it made sense to me to add the symlink list as a type of manifest that could be generated.

I know that I could also have scraped the manifest for F cards marked "l", but I was a little lazy and wanted the symlink list format to match what my scripts were already reading. Furthermore, I wanted the ability to add or remove symlinks while on Windows, something I otherwise could not do.

Thinking about it now, I realize having a writable manifest file of any sort is a bit dangerous and is a departure from how Fossil expects users to interact with the checkout. The user is expected to edit files that are controlled as artifacts in the repository. The manifest files are not (necessarily) so, especially when baseline manifests are used. To do anything other than edit the contents of existing files, the user is expected to tell Fossil what's going on. In other words: add, delete, move.

Unix makes it possible to edit more than the contents. Unix provides execute and symlink bits, which Fossil also recognizes and honors. Windows doesn't have these bits, but at least Fossil preserves them through the manifest, even if it can't expose them directly to the filesystem.

In conclusion, what I now think I should have done is give Fossil a command which can change a file to be a symlink, executable file, or regular file. On Unix, its use would be optional, since chmod or ln can do the same job. On Windows, its use would be required, since the OS provides no analog.

As for generating the symlink manifest, it's a terribly niche feature. Like I said before, any project needing it can get the data from the F cards in the regular manifest. Keep it or lose it, it makes no difference.

Someday I will revive this branch to make the file type command so that Windows can play along without having to introduce the dangerous new concept of a writable manifest file.

10 most recent check-ins related to "andygoth-enhanced-symlink"
Remove unnecessary double NUL-termination from blob Closed-Leaf check-in: 95b6fad941 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-enhanced-symlink
Update change log to describe Windows behavior of "l" flag to "manifest" setting check-in: 810370cd43 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-enhanced-symlink
Correct sense of _WIN32 conditional compilation check-in: 1226e3ef52 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-enhanced-symlink
Use transactions while creating symlink_perm table check-in: f42ee09a09 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-enhanced-symlink
Additional corrections to Windows symlink permissions logic check-in: f29c8a44be user: andygoth tags: andygoth-enhanced-symlink
Tweak comment style for consistency within functions check-in: 364d04315b user: andygoth tags: andygoth-enhanced-symlink
Correct vfile_check_signature() handling of manifest.symlinks not existing or manifest setting not containing the l flag check-in: de50c496d2 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-enhanced-symlink
Update Windows version of vfile_check_signature() to get symlink status from manifest.symlinks check-in: 23e67f67d0 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-enhanced-symlink
Protect against symlink_perm table already existing, should get_checkout_symlink_table() have already been called check-in: 03ba3d9cb2 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-enhanced-symlink
Move manifest.symlinks read functionality into the new get_checkout_symlink_table() function in checkout.c check-in: 7a4bd5cf83 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-enhanced-symlink