D 2016-01-05T20:23:38.437 L Z-Mark N text/x-markdown P ca87804b6e841b9c91e9bc06a1cff07197ab152e U nalck W 729 Z-Mark ====== Synopsis -------- Bookmarks suck. The solution? Hyperorthognal Data Structures! Design ------ Z-Mark uses [ZigZag Data Structures](http://www.xanadu.com/zigzag/) to organize, store, and share web bookmarks. The web frontend for Z-Mark will use [Elixir](http://elixir-lang.org/)'s [Plug](http://hexdocs.pm/plug/extra-readme.html) and [Ecto](http://hexdocs.pm/ecto/Ecto.html) libraries to provide a neat web interface for an [SQLite](https://sqlite.org) database. A simple Z-Mark would resemble this: 0 ( 3859601647582956 ) 1 ( 6834945246515304 Name of Z-Mark https://example.com favicon.ico A helpful note! (0,#) ... ) Z 8b096ca60ed1a238cff740b9cb6cfbff