D 2016-01-09T23:44:12.000 L Ismene N text/x-markdown U nalck W 767 # Ismene ## Summary: Ismene processes embedded Elixir (EEx) templates. For our purposes, the template must contain `<%= yield %>`. Ismene replaces that with the contents of whatever file is specified by the `--input` argument. ## Usage: ./ismene --input [file] ./ismene --template [file.eex] ./ismene --output [file] ./ismene --help Prints this help message. For example, let's turn a screed into a blog post: $ ./ismene --input screed.txt --template blog.eex --output blog.html ## References: Complete documentation for EEx can be found online: http://elixir-lang.org/docs/stable/eex/EEx.html ## Installation To test Ismene, run `mix escript.build`. That will generate the executable. Z 80c94c96b85eded6aea5f0fa8c39ccba