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Wiki page [Installation instructions] by mwm 2015-03-17 01:38:25.
D 2015-03-17T01:38:25.125
L Installation\sinstructions
N text/x-markdown
P bf3a32dcdc0c51a0f351452c5166280b05cd727e
U mwm
W 975
  1. Edit the first line of the python files so they reference the place where you have installed python, instead of the place where I have installed it.
  1. Find the line in xcuecat.py that says `envName = "/usr/bin/env"`, and change it to the location of env on your system if it isn't /usr/bin/env.
  3. Copy cuecat.py and barcode.py to a location that your python installation searches for modules, probably something like `/usr/local/lib/python1.6/site-packages`.
  4. Create a symlink from cuecat in a directory in your path to cuecat.py. For instance: `ln -s /usr/local/lib/python1.6/site-packages/cuecat.py /usr/local/bin/cuecat`
  5. Copy the xcuecat.py file to a directory in your path. For instance: `cp xcuecat.py /usr/local/bin/xcuecat`
  6. Copy the man pages to somewhere on your MANPATH, like:

        cp cuecat.1 /usr/local/man/man1
        cp xcuecat.1 /usr/local/man/man1

  7. Now do "man cuecat" and "man xcuecat" to find out how to use them.
Z ef51043d319c6c4c09ea68bf77613700