D 2013-11-04T17:44:33.929 L WebKit P 4beaf783d17391efb649a8a587de8af104959e60 U murphy W 680


A [http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org|CHICKEN] binding for [http://webkitgtk.org|WebKitGTK+] and JavaScriptCore. The library can run a Gtk+ event loop, lets you create windows containing a WebKit content view and gives you access to any JavaScript objects present in the context of any such window. * [Creating Windows] * [Dealing with JavaScript Objects] * [Running the Main Loop] * [/doc/trunk/LICENSE.txt|License] For a usage example, you can look at the source code of a graphical read eval print loop for CHICKEN: * [/doc/trunk/webkit-repl.scm|webkit-repl.scm] * [/doc/trunk/webkit-repl.html|webkit-repl.html] Z 4279c169ae02e4b02dc06e0cf09ad7a2