D 2016-05-21T15:17:12.381 L (system\serrno) P 9caa8f7cf2d7ebd932fc2446e23b618bf6641cb4 U murphy W 1364

System Error Status Binding


(import (system errno)) Access the system error status through [http://linux.die.net/man/3/errno|errno(3)] or [https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms679360(v=vs.85).aspx|GetLastError].


condition: &errno

procedure: (errno-condition? any)

procedure: (make-errno-condition errno)

procedure: (condition-errno condition)

The &errno condition type is derived from &condition and stores a numeric error code that may be extracted using condition-errno.

parameter: current-errno-condition

When queried, the parameter returns a composite condition with the types &errno and &message that contains the current system error status and a human-readable string describing the status. When set, the parameter sets the system error status to the condition-errno of the condition object that was passed in.


parameter: current-errno

The current numeric system error status.

procedure: (errno->string errno)

Returns a human-readable description of a system error status. Z c120c0e6459ae528479477c99ab6c93c