D 2016-07-15T11:07:02.644 L (data\sbase32) U murphy W 797

Base32 Encoding


(import (data base32)) Encoding and decoding of binary data in [https://philzimmermann.com/docs/human-oriented-base-32-encoding.txt|Base32] format.


procedure: (base32-encode bytevector)

procedure: (base32-encode bytevector padding?)

Encodes the given bytevector into a string. Without options, the result has no padding. If the padding option is given and true, the output may be terminated by "=" characters unless the input length is a multiple of eight.

procedure: (base32-encode string)

Decodes the given string into a bytevector. Ignores any number of padding characters at the end of the input. Z 15b75c0350ebe63e9fcb488ebdde8cb1