
Artifact [76d6588826]

Artifact 76d6588826b7997f1e3fbd7f62a9da91c96a4672:

Wiki page [yasi] by martin 2014-02-11 06:21:01.
D 2014-02-11T06:21:01.362
L yasi
P 9ccd727ed459606b2dcf67de712c4d2f84485f18
U martin
W 1055
<i>Yet Another Scheme Interpreter</i>

<a href="info/be53e63c37">v0.1.4</a>

Add gensym, exit, error. 

All numbers are C doubles rather than ints now.

Fix bug in begin (would only trampoline once per statement).

Most free variable lookups are replaced with inlined binding pairs. 

<a href="info/a1fc67cd62">v0.1.3</a>

Let is back, along with let* and letrec. 

<a href="info/cddbcd846e">v0.1.2</a>

Now with unquote-splicing.

<a href="info/bce924ca1a">v0.1.1</a>

GC never free()d the array underlying vectors.

(vector ...) works now.

Better (but still with issues) reading. 

<a href="info/42dd6984a4">v0.1.0</a> 

Adds vectors and quasiquote (with nesting, but no unquote-splicing yet)

Strings can have an embedded " via \" now.

Loses naive #! script support.

Loses most of what was in init.seed, to include support for let. Let will come back in as desugaring pass or such later. 

<a href="info/381563c91f">v0.0.1</a> Initial release.

Symbols, strings, integers, cons.

Tail recursion and GC work.
Z fbc44cabacc4dee4b7fd037c7fcb280b