D 2017-04-07T17:11:17.083 L MiccaPage P 2e9f24e32f237f6f1ff5cb079d699cd375451023 U andrewm W 696

Micca - xUML Translation Tool

Micca is a program to aid in the translation of Executable UML (xUML) domain models into C code. Executables are available from the [MiccaDownloads | download] page. The design, code and a fully worked out example are available in the [/doc/trunk/micca/doc/micca.pdf | literate program document]. Reference [/doc/trunk/micca/doc/HTML/toc.html | manual page] documentation is also available. Another example [/doc/trunk/micca/code/c/mellor-balcer/simplebookstore.pdf | translation] of the case study from the book, *Executable UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven Architecture*, by Stephen J. Mellor and Marc J. Balcer is available. Z 43643e043a18fa40d0c9bab56bf55e00