PS3 Homebrew

Artifact [2faebe4854]

Artifact 2faebe4854f3fe5f3f812a22dff5fcf74e04e9c4:

Wiki page [PS3 Homebrew] by ludo 2011-01-04 22:03:08.
D 2011-01-04T22:03:08
L PS3\sHomebrew
P 2502b1f65fad5f5d54f6e73a6db6f25f6aa8b1ca
U ludo
W 2748

<p>Welcome to my corner of homebrew software. I decided I want to get active in the community after hearing about the PS3 root key leaked by geohot and all the hard work done by the fail0verflow team.</p>

<p>I will be using <a href="">psl1ght</a>, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and my house mates PS3. While trying to document everything as a go along here. Hope you find it helpful.</p>

<h2>Installing PSL1GHT on Ubuntu</h2>

<h3>Packages and ps3chain</h3>

<p>There is instruction on their website but I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS so there will be some deb packages you will need to install, etc. {PS3DEV} is the directory where you decide to install ps3chain eg "/home/username/ps3dev/". So to install ps3chain and get the needed deb files you will need to execute following commands:</p>

<p style="font-family:Monospace;">
sudo apt-get install git-core autoconf automake bison flex texinfo ncurses-dev gcc make wget libelf-dev python-dev<br/>
git clone <br/>
mkdir {PS3DEV} <br/>
export PS3DEV={PS3DEV} <br/>
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/bin:$PS3DEV/ppu/bin:$PS3DEV/spu/bin <br/>
cd ps3chain/ <br/>
chmod +x <br/>
./ all <br/>

<p>buildit took its time on my 4 MBit/s line and even had trouble to download newlib-1.18.0.tar.gz. So I stopped buildit and downloaded newlib-1.18.0.tar.gz manually and copied it over to the {ps3dev} folder and started buildit again. Thanks to the dev for allowing such behavior.</p>  

<p>After it downloaded all the packages(30 minutes +-) it will start to compile the needed code automatically and when its finished compiling (took about 30 minutes on my HP Compaq 8710p Core 2 Due) you will see the " SPU toolchain built and installed" and your {PS3DEV} directory should contain +- 2,487 files that totals to 540.9 MB +-.</p> 


<p>Now we can get PSL1GHT from the git repository and install it using the following commands:  
<p style="font-family:Monospace;">
cd ~ # return to the home folder<br />
git clone git:// <br/>
cd PSL1GHT/psl1ght/ <br/>
export PSL1GHT=~/PSL1GHT/psl1ght/build  <br/>
make  <br/>
make install  <br/>

<p>It will compile PSL1GHT and when its finished you should see "Installed to ...". Now you can go to the samples directory and make all the examples: </p>

<p style="font-family:Monospace;">
cd ../samples <br/>

Thats all for tonight folks, happy homebrewing/hacking.

<p> Update: After I did the write up and setup I found <a href="">this</a> tutorial using Ubuntu 10.10.</p>
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