
Annotation For script/c0.lua

Annotation For script/c0.lua

Lines of script/c0.lua from check-in 91bea80f83 that are changed by the sequence of edits moving toward check-in ddbb1e3030:

                         1: local str = {}
                         3: local cache_1
                         4: local cache_2
                         6: _G["通关邀请"] = function()
                         7:   local effect_1
                         8:   effect_1 = Effect.GlobalEffect()
                         9:   effect_1:SetType(EFFECT_TYPE_FIELD
                        10:     + EFFECT_TYPE_CONTINUOUS)
                        11:   effect_1:SetCode(EVENT_DAMAGE)
                        12:   function cache_1()
                        13:     cache_1 = Duel.GetLP(1)
91bea80f83 2023-06-29   14:     if cache_1 <= 0 then
                        15:       cache_1 = true
                        16:     else
                        17:       cache_1 = false
                        18:       end
                        19:     return cache_1
                        20:     end
                        21:   effect_1:SetCondition(cache_1)
                        22:   function cache_1()
                        23:     Debug.ShowHint("残局群181175613")
                        24:     return
                        25:     end
                        26:   effect_1:SetOperation(cache_1)
                        28:   Duel.RegisterEffect(effect_1
                        29:     , 0)
                        30: --~   Effect.SetDescription(effect_1, 1160)
                        31: --~   Debug.ShowHint(Effect.GetDescription(effect_1))
91bea80f83 2023-06-29   32:   Duel.SelectYesNo(0,1160)
                        33:   end