D 2014-09-20T19:18:54.936 L Refdb P 75e5170175962591a5dec0d725bf5d699f744b71 U matt W 1991


(note: this website is a fossil scm repository, learn more at [http://fossil-scm.org|fossil-scm.org]) ... is a tool for storing a three level deep hierarchical key store in flat text files while being able to edit the data with a spreadsheet. The flat files generated by refdb are quite resistant to conflicts on branch and merge.


Storing configuration data, test control data and so forth can be very convenient in a spreadsheet but spreadsheets cannot be easily modified in parallel and branched and merged in tools like fossil or git.


* [Release Notes] * [Usage] * [Accessing the data]


# Install chicken scheme from: www.call-cc.org # Install the refdb egg: chicken-install refdb

[Data format]

Files with extension .dat contain the data for each sheet. [column header] rowlabel value

Run refdb for quick help

Run refdb from the commandline to get quick help: > refdb Usage: refdb action params ... Note: refdbdir is a path to the directory containg sheet-names.cfg import filename.gnumeric refdbdir : Import a gnumeric file into a txt db directory export refdbdir filename.gnumeric : Export a refdb to a gnumeric file edit refdbdir : Edit a refdbdir using gnumeric. ls refdbdir : List the keys for specified level lookup refdbdir sheetname row col : Look up a value in the text db getrownames refdb sheetname : Get a list of row titles getcolnames refdb sheetname : Get a list of column titles To export to other formats; first export to gnumeric then use ssconvert. e.g. refdb export mydata mydata.gnumeric ssconvert -T Gnumeric_html:html40 mydata.gnumeric mydata.html Part of the Megatest tool suite. Learn more at http://www.kiatoa.com/fossils/megatest Version: 1.0 Z 4c24859ef69a7d80baaf412dc136d685