
Artifact [e7eef43524]

Artifact e7eef435244a5e38defa341be9f1face4763f0c3:

Wiki page [Usage] by anonymous 2017-10-11 23:30:37.
D 2017-10-11T23:30:37.400
L Usage
P c3a1b29b2972977046bf161a111a29893b3bbdb7
U anonymous
W 967

<h4>Create new or edit existing db</h4>

refdb edit path/to/db

This will pop up a gnumeric session:<br>

<img src="./doc/tip/docs/gnumeric-01.png" alt="gnumeric-01 screenshot"><br>

In this example from a vermiculture (red wiggler worms) composter controller the variables are <season><temp/humidity><low/target/high>.

As you can see in the screen shot formatting such as borders and background colors are preserved.

Here is the file structure created for the above spreadsheet:

├── sheet-names.cfg
├── summer.dat
├── sxml
│   ├── _sheets.sxml
│   ├── summer.sxml
│   ├── winter.sxml
│   └── _workbook.sxml
└── winter.dat

<h4>Next: [Accessing the data]</h4>

<hr /><div id="3ad11d0242936abd"><i>On 2017-10-11 23:30:37 UTC anonymous added:</i><br />
How to use refdb?</div id="3ad11d0242936abd">
Z 46076f5af7781e39579971535cc66d2d