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12 check-ins for the month beginning 2020-03-01 by user wyoung

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Assorted improvements to www/globs.md, mainly to clarity and grammar. check-in: 7898593d9d user: wyoung tags: trunk
Add a configure time check for the existence of setenv(3) in libc for use by fossil_setenv() which has nicer semantics than its current underlying implementation on POSIX systems, putenv(3). This doesn't fix any known issue other than a technical memory leak, but I'm checking it in in case someone finds the code useful someday. Closed-Leaf check-in: ff8f2decf5 user: wyoung tags: setenv-alternative
Merged glob-docs branch down to trunk. check-in: b45a985c86 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Assorted improvements to globs.md, especially to the discussion of * expansion on Windows vs POSIX. Closed-Leaf check-in: bb292b64ae user: wyoung tags: glob-docs
Hoist the list of POSIX subsystem features for Windows up to the top of the "Windows" section in globs.md to wave readers off to the "POSIX" section of the same doc before we get into truly Windows-specific details. check-in: 21929d37a3 user: wyoung tags: glob-docs
Proposed fix to the UX bug on "Logout" with the default skin, per https://sqlite.org/forum/forumpost/ee69ac2ed3 Closed-Leaf check-in: 35d8736bb3 user: wyoung tags: logout-link-on-name
Added documentation for the other legal values for event.type in the "y" parameter to /timeline.rss. check-in: 4a70f9485c user: wyoung tags: trunk
Repurposed the check for "d" cap in the Security Audit page to warn that it should be removed from use. It checks the anonymous, developer, and reader users for it only, not any one-off uses. It also doesn't check Setup or Admin, but presumably whatever we reuse "d" for in the future will be granted to them by default. Closed-Leaf check-in: 8059b9cac1 user: wyoung tags: eradicate-d-cap
Added comments and documentation for the removal of d cap. check-in: 7454cce841 user: wyoung tags: eradicate-d-cap
Removed a "#if 0" related to this branch. check-in: dfa6609a9a user: wyoung tags: eradicate-d-cap
Removed the favicon byte array added in support of the /favicon.ico URL handler. It's unused since [81b3ce3a1350eaa9], when that page began serving a GIF and now gets the same data from the aLogo byte array. check-in: 1b63f6894f user: wyoung tags: trunk
An extension of [3941824d] to remove all mention of 'd' capability from the code, not just ifdef or comment it out. Also removes it from the docs and from the default capability set for Developer, dei -> ei. check-in: 55a7643938 user: wyoung tags: eradicate-d-cap
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