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13 check-ins for the month beginning 2018-11-01 by user wyoung

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Added www/admin-v-setup.md to the permuted index check-in: 969380a562 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Added the admin-v-setup.md document explaining the differences between the Setup and Admin user capabilities, and offering a philosophical argument for why these distinctions are drawn as they currently are. check-in: 2056e9f7a8 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Granted access to /setup_timeline to Admin users as well as Setup users. check-in: cd8c5df513 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Typo fix check-in: 91e8c12136 user: wyoung tags: trunk
The /setup_adunit, /setup_logo, and /setup_skin pages now give full rights to Admin-only users, not just to Setup users, since it seems sensible for a Setup user to delegate cosmetic matters to "mere" Admins. Closed-Leaf check-in: a4265ae8d9 user: wyoung tags: setup-delegates-cosmetics-to-admin
The /setup page can now be seen by both Admin and Setup users, as requested by drh via private email. The set of links shown is culled for Admin-only users. Also changed some comments to match the code with respect to Admin vs Setup capability. The only change to user capability interpretation in this checkin is to the /setup page. check-in: 7d034d34ba user: wyoung tags: trunk
The /setup_modreq page was limited to Setup users, but since it controls what users with Moderator capability can do, made it available to Admin users as well. check-in: 6242e24d2f user: wyoung tags: trunk
Found several more pages protected with "!g.perm.Setup && !g.perm.Admin" guards: changed them all to "!g.perm.Admin" only for the same reason as [558952c8]. check-in: 42c3364f03 user: wyoung tags: trunk
The /secaudit0 page was checking for both Admin and Setup capabilities, which means it was only accessible to users with Setup users, since that is the only class that can have both capabilities. Since it's documented as being available to Admin users, changed the logic to allow access to Admin *OR* Setup users. check-in: 558952c8d3 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Merged login-on-post branch to trunk check-in: c0e384cf60 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Another attempt to fix non-constant format complaint. Closed-Leaf check-in: 725630f3f8 user: wyoung tags: login-on-post
Fix to previous for the "non-constant format" complaint from some compilers. I can't see what they're yelling about, but this fixes it. check-in: 095333fc60 user: wyoung tags: login-on-post
The "New Thread" button in /forum is no longer restricted to those with forum write capability: if you lack it, we now send you to the login page instead. Without this, users without the capability to post are left looking in through the window of a building without obvious doors. This change pairs especially nicely with the self-registration ... check-in: cdb7f3b988 user: wyoung tags: login-on-post
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