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6 most recent check-ins by user mark

Disable rc_reload in the example rc(8) script in the OpenBSD docs. Reloading is unsupported by Fossil such that 'rcctl reload fossil' kills the process. Suggested by James Cook: [forum:73520532dd]. check-in: f0e1d0c958 user: mark tags: trunk
Show default value of settings that have a default in 'fossil help SETTING' output. These values are otherwise only documented in the source code. ok stephan, danield check-in: 1e1a319e63 user: mark tags: trunk
JSON API: mention 'priorName' of renamed files in status report As discussed with Stephan in /chat. File objects in the renamed case possess a 'priorName' property in addition to the 'name' reported in all cases. check-in: f8d6e8c12a user: mark tags: trunk
give 'json status' the same rename treatment as recent status work As reported by larrybr on the forum: [forum:9e9778f2e6], 'fossil json status' reports renamed _and_ edited files as only renamed. This change reports such cases as both edited and renamed, and displays the filename prior to being renamed as well as the renamed path. We now also upd... check-in: 771e592b4c user: mark tags: trunk
report renamed state when file is both edited and renamed In `fossil {changes,status}` and the commit description shown in the editor with `fossil commit`, show the original and renamed path annotation if the file has been renamed and edited. Prior to this, the file was only reported as edited, which can be confusing. Reported by James Cook [forum... check-in: ca9d0ddf06 user: mark tags: trunk
enable importing multiple git repos into one fsl repo This fixes an issue reported by James Cook in [forum:d162b6e2dc]. Previously, we assumed the fx_git table does not exist when creating a new import, thus the previously untested use case of importing multiple new (read: not incremental) git repos into the same fossil repo failed at this as... check-in: 47fb3ddc5a user: mark tags: trunk