D 2012-02-23T18:26:25.714 L Usage P 40d5e02fa439a1faa2dbe3f546536e0b608cec82 U mrwellan W 1134


List the repos

$ fsl repo ls Fossil areas: area path ---------- ------------------ misc /home/matt/fossils $ fsl repo ls misc fsl logpro megatest opensrc solarcollector stml timesnitch

Get a repo

$ fsl repo get misc logpro Repository cloned into logpro/.fossil/logpro.fossil Rebuilding repository meta-data... 100.0% complete... project-id: a59bcf132d78a41a1e36f5de5cbf96296b09c8a3 server-id: 4f8bf911cefe94211a58c4cbe4e43c359b98d071 admin-user: matt (password is "6b41ac") COPYING Makefile docs/logpro.lyx ...

Add a repo

$ fsl repo create misc mynewrepo

Add a repo using a template

$ fsl repo create misc mynewrepo -template templaterepo

Import an existing repo

$ fsl repo import misc existingrepo existingrepo.fossil

Initialize your ~/.fsl file

This should be done automatically the first time you do an "fsl repo ls" $ fsl dbinit Z e99ca844a0b36929c4b933af5f8b1bdd