fsl wrapper

Artifact [d2c054be9e]

Artifact d2c054be9e94dc33166d7132cfd80c61f7e2d97c:

Wiki page [Installation] by kiatoa 2012-04-30 06:09:11.
D 2012-04-30T06:09:11.584
L Installation
P 182b1cf016745a5dfed13de8e621e144e3bc7f0f
U kiatoa
W 245
Clone this repository and then either:

  #  Add the scripts directory to your PATH
  #  Or copy the <b>scripts/fsl</b> and <b>scripts/.fslconfig</b> files to someplace on your path

NB// Optional: run "make test" in the top level directory
Z 7408916b0c4e3f9f4a7a34ea25342ead