
Edit Project Logo And Background

The current project logo has a MIME-Type of image/gif and looks like this:


The logo is accessible to all users at this URL: The logo may or may not appear on each page depending on the CSS and header setup. To change the logo image, use the following form:

Logo Image file:

(Properties: "logo-image" and "logo-mimetype")

The current background image has a MIME-Type of image/gif and looks like this:


The background image is accessible to all users at this URL: The background image may or may not appear on each page depending on the CSS and header setup. To change the background image, use the following form:

Background image file:

(Properties: "background-image" and "background-mimetype")

The current icon image has a MIME-Type of image/gif and looks like this:


The icon image is accessible to all users at this URL: The icon image may or may not appear on each page depending on the web browser in use and the MIME-Types that it supports for icon images. To change the icon image, use the following form:

Icon image file:

(Properties: "icon-image" and "icon-mimetype")

Note: Your browser has probably cached these images, so you may need to press the Reload button before changes will take effect.