
Artifact [bd2e64013e]

Artifact bd2e64013e08c146b665c5b2121286457f47c2b1:

Wiki page [Opera] by jeremy_c 2009-11-06 14:38:19.
D 2009-11-06T14:38:19
L Opera
P e32ccdcda59e930c77c1e01cebace5d71253f621
U jeremy_c
W 676
<i>Wiki Login and Opera</i>

The wiki Login screen does not work with Opera browser.
The "User ID:" input field is unresponsive:  I can't type into it nor I can't paste text with the mouse. Tested with Opera 9.25/Windows Vista x64.

<hr><i>On 2008-02-21 15:50:52 UTC anonymous added:</i><br />
This here is Opera 9.26 on XP. Confirmed problem but an answer is extremely complex for the poor user if only they knew, err... hit tab, brings focus onto the form and off you go. tim

<hr><div id="b31e658e57780078"><i>On 2009-11-06 14:38:19 UTC jeremy_c added:</i><br />
I am using Opera 10.0 and everything seems to be functioning w/o problem.</div id="b31e658e57780078">
Z a4cb484c706a0cbedf33bfff096a1181