D 2015-07-31T11:03:35.902 L Instruction\sSet P ac258cc95384a409e1951dcd78dbfa0d6bee20a2 U jos W 11646

Register description

RA Destination. Any of registers R0, R1, R2, R3
RB Source. Any of registers R0, R1, R2, R3 (possibly with exception of RA, see notes)
RC Destination. May be either R0 or R1
RI Index. May be either R2 or R3
sz Size. May be B for byte or W for word
wt Weight. Used to specify the calculation of a weight (count of ones) value.

Instruction set

Instruction Notes
ABS     RA
ADD     RA,RB RB may equal RA
ADDI     SP, #data data is 8 bit signed value
ADDQ    RA, #small The small value may be 1, 2, -1, or -2. This instruction is encoded as a single byte.
ADDX    R0, R1
AND     RA, RB RB may not equal RA
ANDI    PS, #data data is 8 bits
ASL{.wt} RA, descriptor
ASR{.wt} RA, descriptor
Arithmetic shift.
See notes on shift instructions below.
Bcc     address Conditional branch. The target is stored as a signed 8 bit displacement, -128...127. There are 16 possibilities:
BCC: C clearBCS: C set
BNE: Z clear (not equal)BEQ: Z set (equal)
BVC: V clearBVS: V set
BPL: N clear (plus)BMI: N set (minus)
BGT: Use for 2s complement numbersBLE: Use for 2s complement numbers
BUC: U clearBUS: U set
BHI: Branch Higher.
Similar to BGT but for unsigned numbers
BLS: Branch on Lower or Same.
Similar to BLE but for unsigned numbers
BCHG     RA, descriptor Invert specified bit in destination register.
See notes on BIT instructions below
BCLR     RA, descriptor Clear specified bit in destination register.
See notes on BIT instructions below
BSET     RA, descriptor Set specified bit in destination register.
See notes on BIT instructions below
BTST     RA, descriptor Test specified bit in destination register.
See notes on BIT instructions below
CLR      RA Alias for XOR RA, RA
CMP      RA, RB RB may not equal RA
DEC      RA Alias for ADDQ RA, #-1
This calculates R0/R1.
R0 and R1 are left unchanged. R2 holds the quotient. R3 holds the remainder.
There are two ways of defining signed division, both have validity. Both are implemented, controlled by the D bit of the PS register. The difference lies in whether or not negative remainders are allowed.

D = 0 D = 1
13/3 Q = 4, R = 1 Q = 4, R = 1
13/-3 Q = -4, R = 1 Q = -4, R = 1
-13/3 Q = -5, R = 2 Q = -4, R = -1
-13/-3 Q = 5, R = 2 Q = 4, R = -1

Divide by zero is trapped and causes vector #2 to be taken.
INC      RA Alias for ADDQ RA, #1
INV      RA Invert all bits
JMP      (R0)
JMP       address
Jump to specified location.
JSR     (R0)
JSR     address
Jump to subroutine, pushes return address on stack
LD.sz    RA, address
LD.sz    RC, (RI)
LD.sz    RC, (RI++)
LD.sz    RA, (SP + m)
LD.sz    RA, #immediate
Bytes are zero extended on loading to fill the 16 bit destination register.
The m value used for stack relative addressing is 8 bit unsigned.
LSL{.wt}  RA, descriptor
LSR{.wt}   RA, descriptor
Logical shift.
See notes on shift instructions below.
MOVE      RA, RB
MOVE       R0, SP
MOVE       SP, R0
RB may not equal RA
This calculates R0*R1 to create a 32 bit result.
The least significant 16 bits of the result are stored in R2, the most significant 16 bits are stored in R3.
If it is a signed operation then R0 will hold the value of an internal calculation. If it is an unsigned operation R0 will be unchanged.
R1 is always left unchanged.
NEG       RA
NEGX      R0
OR        RA, RB RB may not equal RA
ORI       PS, # data data is 8 bits
POP       RA
POP        PS

PUSH       RA
PUSH       PS

RET Return from subroutine
RETI Return from interrupt/exception
ROL{.wt}   RA, descriptor
ROR{.wt}   RA, descriptor
See notes on shift instructions below.
ROXL{.wt} RA, descriptor
ROXR{.wt}  RA, descriptor
Rotate extended with X bit.
See notes on shift instructions below.
SQRT This calculates the square root of R1.
The result, rounded down, is put into R0. R1 holds the remainder. R2 is unchanged. R3 will be set to zero.
ST.sz      address, RA
ST.sz      (RI), RC
ST.sz      (RI++), RC
ST.sz      (SP + m), RA
The m value used for stack relative addressing is 8 bit unsigned.
SUB        RA, RB RB may not equal RA
SUBX       R0, R1
SXT        RA Sign extend LS byte of register to fill the register
TEST       RA Set status bits Z, N according to register
TRAP Pushes PS and return address and then takes vector #3.
XOR        RA, RB RB may equal RA

Bit Instruction Descriptors:

The descriptor specifies the target bit and may be either a 4 bit immediate value or a general purpose register (R0..R3). If a register is specified then only the least significant 4 bits are used. For example:

BSET        R0, #3
BCLR        R1, R2

Shift Instruction Descriptors:

The descriptor specifiers the shift to apply and is a 15 bit signed value ranging -16..15. It may be either a 5 bit signed immediate value or a general purpose register (R0..R3). If a register is specified then only the least significant 5 bits are used. For example:

LSL        R0, #3
ASR         R1, R2

If the descriptor is a register then the instruction may be qualified with ".wt" in which case a weight value is calculated. The shift is executed as specified and the number of times a 1 valued bit is shifted out of the least significant register position is counted. At the end of the shift operation this count is stored in the destination register rather than the result of the shift. For example:

ASR.wt     R1, R2

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