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Parents and children of check-in [50a6cdb35a]

I guess these changes warrant another year on the (c) line. check-in: 832dae9274 user: jesper tags: trunk
Use newly added make-chain-pred in constructing version comparisors check-in: 50a6cdb35a user: jesper tags: trunk
Add procedure make-chain-pred, which makes procedures taking any number of arguments and compares them two-and-two, in the order given, with a supplied predicate. For example: (define string-or-number= (make-chain-pred (lambda (a b) (= (if (string? a) (string->number a) a) (if (string? b) (string->number b) b))))) (string-or-number= "50" 50 "000050.00") will now evaluate to #t. check-in: e839f3b951 user: jesper tags: trunk