D 2013-12-27T06:08:34.637 L sven U jamesbond W 858 Sven multimedia keyboard deamon Sven is a program to manage your multimedia buttons on your keyboard. It enables you map these buttons to actions that will be done when those buttons are pressed / activated. You can also map any arbitrary key combinations; not only multimedia buttons. It is similar to xbindkeys; but unlike xbindkeys it comes with a nice GUI. It also comes with built-in volume controls and on-screen-display (OSD). Sven is no longer maintained and its original website has disappeared from the web. This repository aims to to continue maintenance of sven as long as possible; it was based on the latest available public release of sven (sven version 0.6). Sven was created and copyrighted by Eugene Morenko, 2004-2006 and is distributed under [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html|GNU GPL Version 2.0]. Z 2f34c13dff770b5e261dd27d9880487c