D 2015-05-31T05:07:40.718 L PSIP P ead032a24d03872723d1b39eb0172e0b51978851 U root W 759 PSIP (aka PuppyPhone) is a simple [http://www.gtk.org/|GTK] GUI for [http://www.pjsip.org/|pjsip] SIP phone for [http://puppylinux.com/|Puppy Linux]. GTK version used for building: 2.18 (also works with 2.16). pjsip version used for building: 1.10. Other tools required: [http://sourceforge.net/projects/cjson/|cJSON] (included in tarball), and [http://sourceforge.net/projects/osxcart/|osxcart]. License: [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html|GNU GPL Version 3 or later]. [./doc/trunk/psip-doc.html|More information about PSIP] Compiles into a single executable in "release" mode. [./doc/trunk/README.txt|Here is how to build it]. Binaries available [http://www.smokey01.com/software/psip/|here] Z 98a7062cfbe0c27e655cd5f3fc9f8f66