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taotk::meta::scrollframe(n) 9.1 odielib ""


taotk::meta::scrollframe - Class taotk::meta::scrollframe

Table Of Contents



Ancestors: taotk::meta::scrollframe, taotk::meta::container, taotk::meta::widget, oo::object, tao::moac scrollFrame - Returns the name of a frame within a canvas attached to vanishing scrollbars. Arguments name The name of the parent frame NOTE :: NON-CONVENTIONAL RETURN - RETURNS THE INTERNAL NAME, NOT THE NAME OF THE PARENT WINDOW!!! args Arguments to be passed to frame and canvas Results Creates 2 frames, a canvas and a two scrollbars. |-------------| <- Outer holding frame | cccccccccc ^| Canvas within outer frame | cffffffffc || Frame within canvas | cf fc || | cffffffffc |<-- Vertical Scrollbar within outer frame | cccccccccc V| | <--------> | Horizontal Scrollbar within outer frame |-------------|



Sean Woods

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This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category taotk of the Odielib Trackers. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.


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