D 2014-09-05T11:11:57.080 L Packages P 56932af75b6c5e5151f1123ba8649a999f1ce912 U hypnotoad W 6297 ODIE comes with recipes to build many of the common tools that users have come to rely on. To make distribution (and patching) easier, every source referenced by ODIE is mirrored on this website. A complete list of fossil repositories is Here.

Packages original to ODIE

These are fossil repositories of packages that are actively maintained by the ODIE project. These are the "master" copies for these projects.

Package Description
ODIE The Open Design and Integration Environment.
MMTk Multimedia Toolkit

Mirrored Repositories

These packages are mirrors of other fossil repositories published online. Changes are pulled periodically. The ODIE project may introduce patches to our mirrors to make things behave "better".
Package Description Changes pulled from
Canvas3d OpenGL Widget for Tk http://3dcanvas.tcl.tk
tcl Tcl Core http://core.tcl.tk/tcl
tk Tk Core http://core.tcl.tk/tk
Tcllib A kitchen sink of packages http://core.tcl.tk/tcllib
Tklib A kitchen sink of packages http://core.tcl.tk/tklib
Tcl Apps A kitchen sink of example applications http://core.tcl.tk/tclapps
Tclhttpd The Tclhttpd web server http://core.tcl.tk/tclhttpd
Tclconfig Autoconfig rules for TEA compliant extensions http://core.tcl.tk/tclconfig
Widget Various widgets created by Jeff Hobbs http://core.tcl.tk/widget

Subversion Imports

These are projects that are maintained in Subversion, but it's nice to have them in Fossil. An initial snapshot of the project was produced by exporting the subversion repository to git, and then using the git export -> fossil import bridge to build the fossil repository. [Converting SVN to Fossil]
Package Description Snapshot taken Project website
Wub A pure Tcl webserver 2013-12-08 http://wiki.tcl.tk/15781
TkImg Tk Image extensions 2013-12-08 http://sourceforge.net/projects/tkimg/

CVS Imports

These are projects that are maintained in CVS, but it's nice to have them in Fossil. An initial snapshot of the project was produced by exporting the CVS repository to git, and then using the git export -> fossil import bridge to build the fossil repository. [Converting CVS to Fossil]
Package Description Snapshot Taken Source Downloaded From
Tcl VFS Virtual File System handling for Tcl 2013-12-08 http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclvfs/
TclUdp UDP Sockets for Tcl 2014-04-25 http://tcludp.sourceforge.net
TLS SSL Tunnel for Tcl 2013-12-08 http://tls.sourceforge.net
TclX The TclX Extension. (Adds a lot of value added features to core tcl/tk) 2015-05-06 http://tclx.sourceforge.net

Imported Snapshots

In some cases it's not possible or practical to synchronize with an external repository. To make things easy for distribution a "fake" fossil repository is created by downloading a source tar ball and checking it into fossil.
Package Version Description Source Downloaded From
tclsqlite 3.8.2 Sqlite Extension for Tcl

Sqlite is distributed as a fossil repository. However, the complete sqlite is a very complex build. To simplify matters, distinct versions of sqlite (and nearer to our hearts, tclsqlite) are packaged as amalgamated tar balls. When sqlite puts out a new release I download the tar ball and check the changes into a phony fossil repository.

Project: http://www.sqlite.org
Source: sqlite-autoconf-3080200.tar.gz
TkHtml 3 alpha 16 Tk Html Widget

The anonymous CVS access to the source repository is broken/out to lunch.

Project: http://tkhtml.tcl.tk
Source: tkhtml3-alpha-16.tar.gz
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