Artifact [e587a2a44c]

Artifact e587a2a44cae1d492abe16729b25edd606ee6a6f:

Wiki page [About] by hothing 2017-07-04 07:48:18.
D 2017-07-04T07:48:18.655
L About
N text/x-markdown
U hothing
W 7245

        Minimal Real Time Operating System for Embedded Applications
                       Version 2.0 - Feb 2017

         Copyright (C) 2000-2017  Universidad de Cantabria, SPAIN

         Authors: Mario Aldea Rivas
                  Michael Gonzalez Harbour

## Introduction

MaRTE OS is a real-time kernel for embedded applications that follows
the Minimal Real-Time POSIX.13 [POSIX] subset. Most of its code is
written in Ada with some C and assembler parts.

It allows software cross-development of Ada and C applications using
the GNU compilers Gnat and Gcc. In particular in the case of Gnat the
Run-Time Library (GNARL) has been adapted to run on our kernel. Remote
debugging of applications is also possible using the GNU debugger gdb.

MaRTE OS supports two target architectures: x86 and Raspberry Pi
(models 1 and Zero).

For the x86 architecture the MaRTE OS the cross environment is formed
by a PC running Linux as "Host" and a bare x86 board as "Target", both
systems connected by and Ethernet LAN (for application booting) and a
serial line (for remote debugging).

MaRTE OS is developed by the Group of "Ingenieria Software y Tiempo
Real" of the Department of "Ingenieria Software y Electronica" of the
University of Cantabria. It is not a finished product, but we share it
hopping it can be useful for educational or experimental purposes.

MaRTE OS is available under the GNU General Public License.

## Functionality Implemented

MaRTE OS implements the following POSIX functionality:

- Pthread Management (creation, finalization, attributes, ...).

- Priority scheduling (FIFO, Round-Robin and Sporadic Server
  scheduling policies supported).

- Mutexes and Condition Variables.

- Semaphores.

- Signals (partially implemented).

- Clocks (monotonic and real time) and Timers.

- CPU time Clocks and Timers.

- Console I/O.

- Time Services: absolute and relative tasks and Pthreads suspension.

- Dynamic Memory Management.

This POSIX functionality support the whole gnat run time library, so
the current MaRTE OS implementation allows running complex C and Ada
applications which do not use a file system (limitation imposed by the
Minimal Real-Time POSIX.13 subset).

Apart from the POSIX standard functionality supported, in MaRTE OS we
have implemented some other features we consider very interesting for
real-time systems programmers:

- Application-Defined Scheduling:

  MaRTE OS includes application program interfaces (API) that enables
  Ada and C applications to use application-defined scheduling
  algorithms in a way compatible with the scheduling algorithms
  defined in POSIX and in the Ada 95 Real-Time Systems Annex. Several
  application-defined schedulers, implemented as special user tasks,
  can coexist in the system in a predictable way.

- Interrupts Management at Application Level:

  MaRTE OS offers to Ada and C programmers an API that allows dealing
  with hardware interrupts in an easy way.  Basically this API offers
  operations to: enable and disable hardware interrupts, install
  interrupt handler procedures and put tasks or threads waiting for a
  hardware interrupt.

- Addings to POSIX:

  Ada binding for CPU-Time clocks and access to the thread-specific
  data form a thread different from the owner.

## Development Environment

MaRTE OS works in a cross development environment:

      Host                                                 Target
    +-------------------+            Ethernet            +-----------------+
    | Linux             |--------------------------------|                 |
    | Gnat              |     (For booting purposes,     | i386 or above   |
    | gcc               |    involves dhcpd and nfsd)    | Floppy Disk     |
    | gdb               |                                |                 |
    | MaRTE OS          |                                | Doesn't need HD |
    | dhcpd (or bootpd) |            RS-232              | Doesn't need OS |
    | nfsd              |--------------------------------|                 |
    +-------------------+    (For debugging purposes,    +-----------------+
                                  gdb is used)

## Distribution Directory Overview

This is the top level of the MaRTE OS directory structure.  The following
is a description of the files and directories you will find in it:

- INSTALL: Installation instructions.

- README: This file.

- arch: link to the directory of the active architecture ('linux_arch/',
  'linux_lib_arch/' or 'x86_arch/')

- arch/drivers/: code for some device drivers.

- arch/include/: POSIX C header files.

- arch/libmc/: libc implementation.

- examples/: some simple program examples.

- COPYING: The license used to distribute MaRTE OS code

- kernel/ : source code for the hardware independent part of the kernel.

- lib/: link to the object files and libraries directory of the active
  architecture ('objs/linux_lib_objs/', 'objs/linux_objs/' or

- gnat_rts/: GNAT packages modified for MaRTE OS.

- marte_ug.html: MaRTE OS User's Guide.

- minstall: main installation script.

- misc/: miscellany of utility packages.

- objs/: object files and libraries directory.

- posix5/: POSIX.5 packages (POSIX Ada bindings). Based on the Florist
  [Florist] implementation.

- sll/: singly linked lists used by the kernel.

- tasks_inspector/: a tool to analyze graphically the execution flow of
  a finished application.

- utils/: compilation utilities.

- x86_arch/: source code for the hardware dependent part of the kernel
  for 386 PC or above.

- rpi_arch/: source code for the hardware dependent part of the kernel
  for Raspberry Pi 1 and Zero.

- linux_arch/: source code for the hardware dependent part of the kernel
  to execute MaRTE OS as a Linux process.

- linux_lib_arch/: source code for the hardware dependent part of the kernel
  to execute MaRTE OS as a Linux process with access to the Linux GLIBC
  library (including filesystem functions for example).

- xtratum_arch/: source code for the hardware dependent part of the kernel
  for the XtratuM hypervisor.

- tests/: a set of regression tests for MaRTE OS.

- lang_support/: includes support libraries for other languages. For example,
  the runtime for C++ applications (libsupc++.a) and the C++ STL port library
  taken from uSTL.

## References

[POSIX]   IEEE Std. 1003.13-1998. Information Technology -Standardized
          Application Environment Profile- POSIX Realtime Application
          Support (AEP). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
          Engineers, 1998.



    Contact Address:                          MaRTE OS Internet site:                

               Department of Ingenieria Software y Electronica
                 Group of Ingenieria Software y Tiempo Real
                         University of Cantabria

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