Artifact [43aa11f114]

Artifact 43aa11f11485dd17c0f72f9ce4b9838dc6d54b1e:

Wiki page [Installation Raspberry Pi] by hothing 2017-07-04 09:54:21.
D 2017-07-04T09:54:21.550
L Installation\sRaspberry\sPi
N text/x-markdown
U hothing
W 4015

0) Installing AdaCore ARM GNAT compiler

Proceed as explained in INSTALL (section "Installation.0") to
install the native AdaCore GNAT compiler.

Install the AdaCore GNAT compiler for ARM (labeled as "ARM ELF
format (hosted on Linux)") from
(gnat-gpl-2016-arm-elf-linux-bin.tar.gz). (On Ubuntu this compiler
requires ia32-libs to work on a 64-bit system).

Add the binaries directory to your PATH environment variable.

0.1) Installing in a 32-bits Linux host

You can install MaRTE for RPi in a 32-bits Linux. In such case the
native AdaCore compiler will not work since it is only for 64-bits
Linux (although you have to install it anyway). In consequence you
will need another native GNAT compiler. For example, in Debian
based Linux you can install the GNAT package, i.e:

   $ sudo apt-get install gnat-4.8

Return to the INSTALL document section "Installation.1".

1) Installing MaRTE OS

Proceed as explained in INSTALL (section "Installation.1").

2) Check your installation with an example

Proceed as explained in INSTALL (section "Installation.2").

   mg++ is not available for RPi yet.
3) Running the application

The a.out (and the a.out.img) we just built in the previous section
can be run in a Raspberry Pi 1 Model B computer or in an emulator

3.1) Running the application in QEMU

The emulator we have used is a QEMU modification for Raspberry Pi
that can be found in and in the
MaRTE OS web page (downloads section).

In order to run a MaRTE OS for RPi application in the
aforementioned modified QEMU use the following command:

   $ qemu-system-arm -kernel a.out -cpu arm1176 -m 256 -M raspi -serial stdio

3.2) Running the application in the Raspberry Pi

We use operating system installer NOOBS in our SD card.

To create a bootable SD card plug it in your host computer. Use the
following command to know its mounting point:

   # df

(From this point on, lets assume the SD card is mounted in /dev/sdb1) 
Unmount the device:

   # umount /dev/sdb1

Format the SD card (FAT 32):

   # mkdosfs -F 32 -v /dev/sdb1

(Be sure that your card only has one partition. To avoid problems
it is probably better to use gparted instead of these commands to
format your SD card)

Download the last NOOBS version and unzip it:

   # wget latest
   # unzip -d noobs/

Copy NOOBS to the SD card (assuming it is mounted in /media/sd):

   # cp -r noobs/* /media/sd/

At this point you have a SD card that will boot the
/media/sd/boot/kernel.img file. You should replace this file with
the a.out.img you make in section "Installation.2":

   # cp a.out.img /media/sd/boot/kernel.img

Plug the SD card in the Raspberry Pi and connect the power USB
wire. Chose the Raspbian entry in the NOOBS menu in order to run
your application.

By default MaRTE uses the UART as console. You can use the HDMI
console as explained in the section "HDMI Console" in this

4) Debugging the application

If you are using the QEMU emulator as a target you can use its
built-in debugging capabilities:

   $ qemu-system-arm -kernel a.out -cpu arm1176 -m 256 -M raspi -serial stdio -s -S

   $ arm-eabi-gdb a.out
   (gdb) target remote localhost:1234
   (gdb) break main
   (gdb) cont

HDMI Console

By default MaRTE OS uses the serial port as console. If you prefer to
use the HDMI console edit kernel/, comment out
every reference to the "uart_simple_*" functions and uncomment
references to "hdmi_console_*".

Edit rpi_arch/hwi/hdmi_console.c and make sure the HDMI console is not
disabled (Line "#define DISABLE_HDMI_CONSOLE 0" must be commented

Recompile MaRTE kernel:

   $ mkmarte

Recompile your application (for example hello_world_c.c) and run it
again (in the QEMU or in the Raspberry Pi).
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